want to trade for someone who has money

You can have money in one place and invest in any part of the world.

short-turm changes in equity, commodity to get big gains. I do use smart money for my own benefit or to the investor' benefit. I tried to forecast first 30 minutes after open just using 2-5 min intervals. All will say thios is no good, and it is.

I have another system, that allows me to be a mid-turm investor, it is like buy and hold a stock. But you need to scan market for such a stock. That is difficult and time consuming (hours!!!). Of course It is possible to make a forecast for any instrument: 1 day - 1 time frame. I did it for VISA for January this year and can share with you to compare it was true or false.

I am very limited in my trading strategies. I am not copying other people approaches, because we have different paths.

ShortTerm Strategy, How long have you been running it? You say is no good.
MidTerm Strategy, How Long have you been running it? Dont seem to run it much.
LongTerm Strategy, How long have you been running it? Do you even have one?

Each one of them doesnt have to be big Winners just consistent. PM me if you feel more comfortable.

Some people really dont have a problem with some Demo trading before putting traders on an Incubator program. But by the sound of it, you sound like BirdShot (all over the place) Hone in on the strategies lock them down.
Nostradamus, let me cut to the chase. First, there are many good repsonses to your desire to want to trade OTM, and that is admirable, in and of itself.. Beyond that, there is no good reason why anyone would want to give you their money. When someone gives you their money, it has to go beyond rhetoric on your part. There has to be some principle behind your ambition.
If you want people to trade for, they will come in droves and beg you to trade their account. Let me tell you how that will happen, and believe me, I'm only speaking from my heart.
Open a thread, post your trades, and even some forecasts. Do that consistently over an extended period of time, and your e-mail box will be flooded.
There are people who don't kow how to trade that are desperate to find someone noteworthy to trade for them. They want to have the confidence that you will make their account a winner. There's 2 cliches that come to mind, "The proof is in the pudding", and "Put your money where your mouth is."
You might ask how do I know this to be fact. I've only been on this site for 1 1/2 months, and people are already burning tracks on the internet highway to my e-box for me to trade for them.
I was also an account manager once back in 2007. I had many clients. They
were earned" through my reputation of a free signals service I was offering. Quite honestly, I don't trade for others anymore for 2 reasons. I failed as an account manager, because of the excessive pressure of all the OPM, and I don't need to trade OPM. I'd rather trade my own money and keep all the profits from the pips I gain.
Just some constructive input.
ShortTerm Strategy, How long have you been running it? You say is no good.
MidTerm Strategy, How Long have you been running it? Dont seem to run it much.
LongTerm Strategy, How long have you been running it? Do you even have one?

Each one of them doesnt have to be big Winners just consistent. PM me if you feel more comfortable.

Some people really dont have a problem with some Demo trading before putting traders on an Incubator program. But by the sound of it, you sound like BirdShot (all over the place) Hone in on the strategies lock them down.

short-term for me is from several minutes to hours and several days....
mid-term - about a month...scary) check VISA forecast
long-term - I had only a few signals of that sort....it is just buy and hold...

I managed to improve the timing since the January this year CONSIDERABLY.

About paper trading - I did many times, the last one is 60% in just 2 weeks of trading in two months. BUT, it does not realyy help much as I was ask about providing 100% capital guarantee)))))))))))))))

Thank you for your comments. Results were always good but only now the approach is consistent.
Nostradamus, let me cut to the chase. First, there are many good repsonses to your desire to want to trade OTM, and that is admirable, in and of itself.. Beyond that, there is no good reason why anyone would want to give you their money. When someone gives you their money, it has to go beyond rhetoric on your part. There has to be some principle behind your ambition.
If you want people to trade for, they will come in droves and beg you to trade their account. Let me tell you how that will happen, and believe me, I'm only speaking from my heart.
Open a thread, post your trades, and even some forecasts. Do that consistently over an extended period of time, and your e-mail box will be flooded.
There are people who don't kow how to trade that are desperate to find someone noteworthy to trade for them. They want to have the confidence that you will make their account a winner. There's 2 cliches that come to mind, "The proof is in the pudding", and "Put your money where your mouth is."
You might ask how do I know this to be fact. I've only been on this site for 1 1/2 months, and people are already burning tracks on the internet highway to my e-box for me to trade for them.
I was also an account manager once back in 2007. I had many clients. They
were earned" through my reputation of a free signals service I was offering. Quite honestly, I don't trade for others anymore for 2 reasons. I failed as an account manager, because of the excessive pressure of all the OPM, and I don't need to trade OPM. I'd rather trade my own money and keep all the profits from the pips I gain.
Just some constructive input.

One of my clients wants me to make some forecast for free too to see if it works. I see no problem with that. And it is really helpful advice on a single thread, BUT I do Forex, futures and ...so need a centralized place for that.

I saw you thread. I do not trade technically. And why don't we cooperate somehow...???

Good things come to those who can wait)))).
About paper trading - I did many times, the last one is 60% in just 2 weeks of trading in two months.

Have you Demo Traded any accounts that we can look at? Or are you literally PaperTrading only at this point? Focus your time on your ShortTerm and MidTerm Strategies.
Have you Demo Traded any accounts that we can look at? Or are you literally PaperTrading only at this point? Focus your time on your ShortTerm and MidTerm Strategies.

I did it for this bank in order (by their request or sudgestion) to enable them to recommend to clients..http://www.minbank.ru/services/private_persons/new_section/
I have them in partners on my site and they are one of the partners of Saxobank in Russia. So the platform is aka Saxotrader.


and the demo platform http://mitsweb.iitech.dk/downloads/sim/Installations/MINBank/ru/MINBankTrader_webdeploy.exe

This is all you need to check but using the following
login: 3747978
and pass: investin

1.I traded upon my forecasts.
2. sometimes I have no time to watch it or close in right time
3.sometimes I was clamsy but all followed one only strategy - to open trades before anyone else)))deside to... and primarily used to fine tune the strategy's timing
4. have all screenshots and predictions used upon request.

at the time I started this paper trading, I had quite a raw approach. But I traded consistently in the two separate periods as my intention to prove it to somebody faded away....

but ...in anycase and market conditions can get results quite similar to this, i.e. over 100p.a.

well ...it could take some time to find my forecast for deals, but they all should be here on this forum and are always in anticipation of the trade sygnal


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well I found something in my file archieve....I just remember that the last trade that was opened early, closed at the autotake profit by Saxobank......


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well.. my story evolves as follows...

I got a client..and another one...an investment company //here is the results//
they asked to do do paper trading..

and then they gave me a small account..

and then they gave another one 10 times lager..


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if the markets collapse tomorrow, I sell today - this is the way I trade.(at its best)

what else I need to say?

Everytime I know what is going to happen tomorrow I act on it today too!! I like your strategy!!

Wow, this trading stuff sure is easy!!

there is no need to wait for bernanke...for the one..who...

there is uncertainty....be careful .. low volume...


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I got the sell signal yesterday... so wait...I have a very small position...(real account)//if I were you...I hesitate to trade today..))))
@ 12 am GMT+4 I foresee ))))) a low....but the next day at the US session (@5pm GMT=4) it will rise again...so look for lows to open positions