w98 desktop problem: msinfo


Established member
Hi Guys,

Hope somebody knows something about this;

Basically, a few days ago my computer crashed. Upon restarting, I got the following screens to which I had to click on "OK". The screens appeared one after the other, and separately.

I searched my computer for the file msinfo.exe, but it appears not to exist on my computer. However, the file msinfo32.exe does exist. Should I replace this somewhere? Or is there another answer.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


  • msinfo screens.jpg
    msinfo screens.jpg
    28.9 KB · Views: 564
ok - it's a virus!!!! doh! shouldda known
but - worst part is it wasn't caught by my anti-virus software - and i still ain't figured out how i got it.....l (btw - I wasn't surfing any wierd and wonderful sites), though at the time my daughter had been on the barbie website....(wonderful for her - wierd for me if I was surfing that site on my own ) .....

btw - details abt above are here together with a link to a solution http://www.computing.net/windows95/wwwboard/forum/147436.html
You can get caught out using Kazza etc to download stuff off the net. Within is burried nasties. 🙁 Be very aware!
Also, I am told that certain anti-virus software will prevent Norton's anti-virus software from doing an automatic update when you connect. Someone I know had this - neither programme alerted him to the conflict at the time and infection occurred as a result.
Yes, seen that a lot of times. Why do ppl do that? one AV program is enough. Do they forget about the previous one they had? Or do they think they will be more secure if they have two?
DO NOT have two AV programs running concurrently or even installed.
haven't downloaded stuff from kazaa for yonks - but many thanks for the tip
right! here goes!
ever since I had the above problem occurt, my desktop icons got positioned differently. Having solved/fixed the virus problem, I still can't seem to get the icons to stay in the postion I want... Any ideas anyone?

tried it and done it already - it didn't work... It get's re-arranged upon start up of computer....
Anyone got any other suggestions re: above desktop problem ... point to note is I use a laptop and have a monitor connected to it to "extend" my desktop so that i use the monitor screen and the lapton screen...