unknown icons


attached is a screen shot of my desktop.

today, after restarting my computer these seven icons to the right of the screen appeared, does anyone know what they are or how they would get onto a computer. Could they be viruses.

if anyone has any ideas could you tell me.


What are the unkown icons? Silent.exe, Tvm_B5_267, O, O? Try a search on google or your antivirus/spyware software
your right ilia king they are the particular icons. i should have being more accurate.

i will do a search, has anyone else come across these icons, at the moment i'm baffled.

One/Two what are the names of the icons and when have they come about have been on a strange site or installed some new software?
Try this scan: http://www.pandasoftware.com/activescan/com/activescan_principal.htm If you have an antivirus platform perform the scan or download: http://www.grisoft.com/us/us_index.php or the trial panda one. Try getting Spybot or adware

If those come up with nothing then check your add-remove programs to find any dodgy software. Also check out the SS Furer posts as Oatman has included some other very good online virus scans.

I am as baffled as you are about the icons maybe in the meantime someone else could tell you what the icons are, ChartMan maybe?


Oatman has included some other very good online virus scans.
I was right :cheesy: , Oatman I think the windows process website you have should be a sticky on the techie forum as it is extremely usefull and in a way answers a lot of questions about viruses
Also the url for the online virus scanning websites and the windows processes should be a sticky. One/Two let us know if there is any virus and if you caught the little pest
thanks for all the replys

i've got a new problem which is that a trojan calling it's self sokets de troisv1 is trying to attack my computer. any advise on how to stop it. i've got norton anti virus, spy sweeper and ad-ware. i'm also unable to defragment my computer.
Try all the online scans in the sticky thread on the top of the page. I assume the trojan is allready on your computer, and your anti-virus doesn't pick up on it?
Norton can deal with sockets de trois if your definitions are up to date and you haven't been infected with something that disables norton (late updates of definitions are to blame for this - it happened to me a while ago). Sometimes Norton reports de trois falsely eg while you are trying Leaktest

Look up de trois on the norton site for its effects.

It is more likely that you are having failure to defrag problems for MS reasons rather than trojan. Have a look at MS knowledge base for articles on defrag and follow up instructions - this will probably free it - it did it for me about a year ago

btw MS defrag is useless really - take a look at diskeeper - I'm not on comiss from them but it is vg
thanks for the replys.

oatman, norton gave me the warning and stopped it. i think it said it would stop it from connecting for the next 30 mins. can norton keep it out forever.