VSAtrader / Socrates discussion

Well ?🙄

Look in page 587....

HUMOROUS = Showing (sense of) humoour ; facetious, comic.

HUMUS = Organic constituent of soil, formed by decomposition of plant materials.
dbphoenix said:
Socrates has to do this sort of thing. Unfortunately, he's allowed to do it in public.

But whenever things seems particularly grim, just remember that, no matter what, at least you're not Socrates . . . 🙂
That you should be so lucky that an onion might grow inside your head God forbid.😆
What amazes me is that, here is a man who is obviously one of the best traders in the country with such knowledge and expertise, (where is the tongue in cheek smily?) who very rarely loses due to their unprecedented deeper knowledge and understanding and knows the market better than it does it self.

Yet he spends all their time on a BB with people who won't listen to him or adhere to his advice. Considering he should be rich and succesful, why waste time with all the people who have no interest in anything he has to say? Surely a man of such knowledge and skills would be far too busy?
well I will go to the back of the class trying to type and trade at same time shame on me
chrisw said:
What amazes me is that, here is a man who is obviously one of the best traders in the country with such knowledge and expertise, (where is the tongue in cheek smily?) who very rarely loses due to their unprecedented deeper knowledge and understanding and knows the market better than it does it self.

Yet he spends all their time on a BB with people who won't listen to him or adhere to his advice. Considering he should be rich and succesful, why waste time with all the people who have no interest in anything he has to say? Surely a man of such knowledge and skills would be far too busy?
If you look on previous posts, you will read how my wife very recently underwent a very serious operation. I promised her to take 3 months off trading to make myself available to look after her.

In consequence of not having an obligation, I am totally free.

The object of this thread is not to engage in idle banter, but to clear up some very nasty well hidden filth, as soon as the right opportunity presents itself, for everybody's benefit and to my satisfaction.

I am waiting for the right opportunity to open the floodgates on the perpetrators of hidden mischiefmaking that has gone on for years that I have chosen to ignore till now.
dc2000 said:
well I will go to the back of the class trying to type and trade at same time shame on me
Thar's ok, you are forgiven the blunder.:cheesy:
chrisw said:
What amazes me is that, here is a man who is obviously one of the best traders in the country with such knowledge and expertise, (where is the tongue in cheek smily?) who very rarely loses due to their unprecedented deeper knowledge and understanding and knows the market better than it does it self.

Yet he spends all their time on a BB with people who won't listen to him or adhere to his advice. Considering he should be rich and succesful, why waste time with all the people who have no interest in anything he has to say? Surely a man of such knowledge and skills would be far too busy?

Whether Socrates is a great trader or not, or even a competent one or not, really isn't the point. Rather it's a matter of behavior.

On the other hand, t2w is very nearly free of the sort of despoiler that plagues other sites. Socrates and his near-psychotic superciliousness is a small price to pay.
dbphoenix said:
Whether Socrates is a great trader or not, or even a competent one or not, really isn't the point. Rather it's a matter of behavior.

On the other hand, t2w is very nearly free of the sort of despoiler that plagues other sites. Socrates and his near-psychotic superciliousness is a small price to pay.
Mind your own business, I have told you before, but coincidentally you are right it being about behaviour, but not my behaviour, but somebody else's instead.
chrisw said:
What amazes me is that, here is a man who is obviously one of the best traders in the country with such knowledge and expertise, (where is the tongue in cheek smily?) who very rarely loses due to their unprecedented deeper knowledge and understanding and knows the market better than it does it self.

Yet he spends all their time on a BB with people who won't listen to him or adhere to his advice. Considering he should be rich and succesful, why waste time with all the people who have no interest in anything he has to say? Surely a man of such knowledge and skills would be far too busy?

And further to this, is that this eminent guru teaches any one gullible enough to part with £5k, I understand that the student of this market master has to endure a week in this masters kitchen, with NO computer, no books or material, as this master claims that he can transport himself to the pit, so why bother with such trivial things as computers? who needs a live chart when you can go to the source?.

But never try to gate crash, because apparently, the Israel secret service has install nerve gas in his window frames.

Let us fall to our knees and worship this guru, who, if we are fortunate, may tell us the secret of the Leboss loop.
VSA Trader, tell us what you are really hiding to us about your very self with all this bluster.
VSATrader said:
And further to this, is that this eminent guru teaches any one gullible enough to part with £5k, I understand that the student of this market master has to endure a week in this masters kitchen, with NO computer, no books or material, as this master claims that he can transport himself to the pit, so why bother with such trivial things as computers? who needs a live chart when you can go to the source?.

But never try to gate crash, because apparently, the Israel secret service has install nerve gas in his window frames.

Let us fall to our knees and worship this guru, who, if we are fortunate, may tell us the secret of the Leboss loop.

Ecactly. How could you believe otherwise? Didn't you know he is a wizard? 😆
Give him a chance to tell us the real story about himself and what he does, and so on.
VSA Trader, tell us what you are really hiding to us about your very self with all this bluster.

I am not hiding anything from anyone, or had you not noticed?
VSATrader said:
I am not hiding anything from anyone, or had you not noticed?
Really ? Do you not remember the only sentence I said to you in the presence of Tom Williams one year ago, lets see if you remember ?
can we please stop being British and talking around a subject that only two of you profes to know anything about..

can we either have this done out in the open, or relegated to PM's and emails.

DC, i'd down periscope if i were you 😉