VSAtrader / Socrates discussion

"CC - prathbh did not report the post, I amended it in a bid to bring an end to this somewhat irritating thread, and stop the bickering between the pair of you."

I beg to differ- this is not an irritating thread at all, but has certainly served a purpose in flagging the irritation many members feel with the inconsistent "editorial policy" the mods and others of influence are able to wield
If you look at the way this thread developed it's been nothing more than an excercise in self flagellation ..a purging of the steam , or perhaps emulating the old Marjorie Proops news column where people would duly write in "Dear Marj my boyfriends looking at other women , can you help me ?" ..."Yes of course Dear Reader take one set of very sharp scissors ...etc " ..basically a very pointless dialogue except for the cathartic effect it brought about ...if any individual thought it was meant to do more than that then I can only say that as individuals let's hope we take more responsibility for our actions when we engage the market than we do when we engage each other in threads like this one.
I think the mods do a great job. I just want to know the previous names of banned members out of curiosity. It isn't any more than that. The list for one of them must be quite long and it would be fun to see how many names he has come up with. Perhaps I should call someone a **** and come back as someone else to join in the fun 🙂
Please, for all our sakes could somebody put this thread out of its misery!
who is the masked man? The one they call mr Charlie Chan

Sorry couldnt resist but the Dow is slow
charliechan said:
meanwhile - your arch enemy socrates is having the time of his life now that you have taken the spotlight off of him in your quest to cause trouble. you let him get away!! talk about a blunder!! will you ever learn!!


I don't quite believe it either, Socco actually posted his agenda a few posts back and nobody picked up on it, laid bare for all to see. I give up !

You mean the one about him having lots of commercial software. the post I cant seem to find

Frugi edit: I think it was #271?
counter_violent said:
I don't quite believe it either, Socco actually posted his agenda a few posts back and nobody picked up on it, laid bare for all to see. I give up !


So Socrates let's have a list of the software in which you have an interest.

(..insults edited out by Jumpoff...), and that your main interest is in self promotion.

So come on, tell us something we don't know, answer my first point!
Cheers Frugi
It must be my eyes old age

Counter V
perhaps he is a collector of out of date software a kind of retro thing 🙄

Maybe Soc has more integrity than some of us because if I had lost some serious coin to the tax man and had blown a bundle on some trading software. I would be looking to recoup some big bucks. No use just advertising it though I would want a small group that had the potential to pay £10k each for it maybe 30 to 40 they could be called the directors from there they would spread the word and maybe charge £2.5k for it with a 60/40 split.

Nah I've been reading The Sunday Times too much " How I made a Million in a Month"

Option B
Become a philanthropist.
Bigbusiness said:
I think the mods do a great job. I just want to know the previous names of banned members out of curiosity. It isn't any more than that. The list for one of them must be quite long and it would be fun to see how many names he has come up with. Perhaps I should call someone a **** and come back as someone else to join in the fun

Thank you for the compliment Bigbusiness. We're thinking of implementing something like this:


as well as adjusting the user titles to reflect the length of the ban / suspension, so instead of just "Banned" it might say "Suspended: 4 days". Ideally we'll thrown in some coloured card icons too, like you suggested previously. But it all needs coding first!

Also we need to be sure that it is in the community's best interest for the exact status of a member (and reason for it) and their history, if any, to be common knowledge. Curiosity may not be sufficient justification! In a court I believe that a defendant's previous convictions are not allowed to impinge on his/her current case, so they are not revealed to the judge/jury. There are of course arguments in favour and against this practice. As ever. 🙂 Anyway we're thinking about it.
frugi said:
Thank you for the compliment Bigbusiness. We're thinking of implementing something like this:


as well as adjusting the user titles to reflect the length of the ban / suspension, so instead of just "Banned" it might say "Suspended: 4 days". Ideally we'll thrown in some coloured card icons too, like you suggested previously. But it all needs coding first!

Also we need to be sure that it is in the community's best interest for the exact status of a member (and reason for it) and their history, if any, to be common knowledge. Curiosity may not be sufficient justification! In a court I believe that a defendant's previous convictions are not allowed to impinge on his/her current case, so they are not revealed to the judge/jury. There are of course arguments in favour and against this practice. As ever. 🙂 Anyway we're thinking about it.

I like the extra information. This is not a legal forum, so I don't know why we are worried about concealing previous misdemeanours. Hasn't the law has been changed recently to allow previous convictions to be revealed to a jury? I don't necessarily agree with that but I think the crimes committed here are or a slightly lesser degree🙂
frugi said:
Also we need to be sure that it is in the community's best interest for the exact status of a member (and reason for it) and their history, if any, to be common knowledge. Curiosity may not be sufficient justification! In a court I believe that a defendant's previous convictions are not allowed to impinge on his/her current case, so they are not revealed to the judge/jury. There are of course arguments in favour and against this practice. As ever. 🙂 Anyway we're thinking about it.

The law did change and the courts are read a list of previous charges and convictions along with sentences served etc, this not only applies to the defendant I might add, witnesses also get a grilling in this department to ascertain credibility or lack of.

Not sure what any of this has to do with Socco, but for the sake of the innocent newbies out there, you really ought to get a grip here. Some members could easily be bamboozled with B S and I would have thought you may have a duty to uphold the highest standards of integrity.
Thanks for the info CV. I've always thought previous should be taken in account, as long as its compulsory revelation applies to anyone who gives evidence.

You're asking us to amend the site guidelines to include 'wilful bamboozlement' among the other prohibitions? 🙂
frugi said:
Thanks for the info CV. I've always thought previous should be taken in account, as long as its compulsory revelation applies to anyone who gives evidence.

You're asking us to amend the site guidelines to include 'wilful bamboozlement' among the other prohibitions? 🙂

LOL not exactly ! How about.

The Banning of Members With Supercilious Attitude Who Seek to Recruit by Fair Means or Foul "Victims" Who May be Parted Easily From Their Wonga.

The Banning of Members [...] Who Seek to Recruit by Fair Means or Foul "Victims" Who May be Parted Easily From Their Wonga.


On TTW we have a few examples of the following -

1. Paying advertisers whose business and agenda are known. e.g spread betting companies, brokers, large software / data vendors. Presence on the site through advertisements and ideally also a suitably transparent username through which they answer questions regarding their business. These people are definitely recruiting and the site depends on them for its existence. If someone then chooses to be a victim by opening an account with one of them and betting £500 p/pt the wrong way on the Dow, that is hardly TTW's fault. Of course we try and restrict our sponsors to reputable businesses with a track record and relevant particulars in the public domain. (Hence we don't allow, say, pyramid scheme scammers based in Nigeria much leeway. 🙂 We delete posts and ban a few of these per month).

2. Members who may run a trading related business and are open about it, but don't pay for TTW advertising, e.g those selling a system or coaching on the side. This would include those who sell things in the TTW store. In this case we allow a www button but no direct linking or other overt forms of attracting potential customers. However it is inevitable that their business interest may become part of a discussion, which could be interpreted as free advertising to the detriment of paying advertisers. This is a tricky one and we are working on adding some type of "flag" that lets members know if someone has a declared commercial interest, while trying to ensure that they do not use the site with the sole intention of promoting this interest. Again, the obvious scammers are swiftly made to feel unwelcome.

3. Members who may have a commercial interest outside of the site, but who have never mentioned it on the fora or by way of PMs / Emails. What do we do here? I might sell trading software but I've never mentioned this fact on TTW in any way, or even alluded to it. Perhaps a half-hour's Googling might throw up a link to a dodgy Russian web site selling cut-price early versions of the Frugi Cyclone Congestion Analyser. Should I be banned on account of my failure to declare my interest, or to not declare it, or neither? Should Socrates be banned because (only when directly asked and after 2000 posts) he said he had the rights to an old version of VSA? I see no evidence of his touting it. Had he posted hindsight screenshots of it 'in action', with accompanying photoshopped blotter showing unrealistically large profits, you can guess the action we would take. Instead he has stated that he is not interested in selling a single copy of anything to which he has the rights. This seems fair enough to me.

As ever, nothing is black & white and we are discussing these issues daily.

In all cases members must diligently research any vendor with whom they might wish to do business.

This thread has thrown up some useful themes. We may have to -

Amend the site guidelines to provide more clarity regarding accepted behaviour.
Be more transparent about the reason for and length of bans & suspensions; provide nick history, where applicable.
Clamp down on thread disrupters, even if they are not being overtly rude. i.e. more post deletions/edits/moves, and possibly short suspensions for the persistent offender.
Ensure the members know when someone has a commercial interest which they could exploit in some way through the site. Though if they fall in category 3 I do not think this is necessary; how would we know, anyway? 🙂.

BTW if superciliousness was a bannable offence we'd lose a bunch of members in a twinkling, myself included. 🙂
