Vote Lib Dem ?? Not after reading this !!!!!

In a recent poll of ' Daily Sport ' readers, they were asked, who they would like as PM..

They said they didn't care, as long as she had ' Big Tits '.
I didn't know you were like that!

I thought that you were serious minded people. :D

How can we expect a serious-minded government to operate properly if all the electorate is thinking of is the size of the minister's tits?

Want to see a tit show? Go to Madrid and watch the female talent operating in the government. I believe that Zapatero has 17 female ministers. Start with the the vice-president, La Vega. She'll put you off, for a start.
Spanish vice-president. She wants to solve all our problems.

She was not one of the reasons that I came here :cry:

Like a good socialist she believes in fair shares for all.


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The Liberal Democrats are beginning to resemble cheap whores.

Cameron and Brown are the kerb-crawling punters with pimp Clegg looking to secure a sleazy deal.

If he goes with Labour, I am sure he will get shafted through the back door by Brown.
The Liberal Democrats are beginning to resemble cheap whores.

Cameron and Brown are the kerb-crawling punters with pimp Clegg looking to secure a sleazy deal.

If he goes with Labour, I am sure he will get shafted through the back door by Brown.

Clegg is a brainless idiot...that much is now abundantly clear. He only had One option which was to run with the cons and by supporting them in their change for the good...they would have enhanced their chances of making progress further down the road. But after this weekends revelations of double dealing and all too possible tie up with the Labs and all other minority parties...they will doom themselves to oblivion.

They have One chance today to redeem themselves by doing the right thing. The alternative is unthinkable as every minority will hold the pact to ransom...salmond ( a simply horrible excuse for a human being ) looking for an unequal share of the burden...and so on with all the minorities needed to effectively vote bills through the commons.

Hardly the kind of stuff the markets want to see. We need stability and decisive govt above anything else in order to tackle the real problems.
Clegg is a brainless idiot...that much is now abundantly clear. He only had One option which was to run with the cons and by supporting them in their change for the good...they would have enhanced their chances of making progress further down the road. But after this weekends revelations of double dealing and all too possible tie up with the Labs and all other minority parties...they will doom themselves to oblivion.

They have One chance today to redeem themselves by doing the right thing. The alternative is unthinkable as every minority will hold the pact to ransom...salmond ( a simply horrible excuse for a human being ) looking for an unequal share of the burden...and so on with all the minorities needed to effectively vote bills through the commons.

Hardly the kind of stuff the markets want to see. We need stability and decisive govt above anything else in order to tackle the real problems.

I disagree that Clegg is brainless, or an idiot. He has to get this right. Nevertheless, my opinion of labour is that they should pick their new leader when they are in opposition. To get another labour pm elected by the labour party is unacceptable. I hope Clegg sees this.
Another Two who should be shot. Mandy and Campbell...odious the pair of them...I can just imagine the convy this weekend...well prime minister...the only way through this is.......
The Liberal Democrats are beginning to resemble cheap whores.

Cameron and Brown are the kerb-crawling punters with pimp Clegg looking to secure a sleazy deal.
Courtesan, please (upper class whore).

If he goes with Labour, I am sure he will get shafted through the back door by Brown.

As opposed to being shafted by Cameron and Osbum.

If people are serious about the national interest (as opposed to the Conservative interest), then a Con-Lab-LibDem coalition for a limited period is the only honourable solution.

PM - Cameron
Chancellor - Darling
Chief Secretary of the Treasury - Cable
Foreign Secretary - Osbourne
PM - Cameron
Chancellor - Darling
Chief Secretary of the Treasury - Cable
Foreign Secretary - Osbourne

Crikey, what a list! Not exactly


is it?

A more practical solution might be to hire a good necromancer, get Cromwell and Ireton out of the ground, and put them to work. The way I see it, you get them into the chamber one at a time, Ireton holds them down while Cromwell batters them with the bauble.

MPs see sense, job done.