

hi there. i paper trade uk stocks using ig markets. i'm using 3min charts and i'v noticed that the volume on 3min bars is sometimes quite low . let's say lloyds. it's high volume stock but sometimes there is only 5, 10 ,15k volume on 3min bars. does it mean i will have problems selling or buying shares worth 10k GBP. this is the size i want to trade all the time. what is considered as big size? and how is it with executions of mining stocks (xta, kaz ) ? hope someone can clear it for me 🙂 cheers
thanks for your reply but it's not exactly what i wanted to know 🙂 could someone who daytrade uk stock help me please 🙂
look at level 2, also look at the NMS this is the maximum size that MMs will trade in, ADVFN quote it. Big size...will it depends on what the bid/offer is...
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look at level 2
i haven't got level 2 yet, it's demo version

can i ask u guys what stocks are u trading, what sizes and if u'v got any problem with execution??
look the only problem you will have is if your trading above the NMS and even then you'll probs get the size you want...if you were trading 100k then you might worry...10k...no don't think so unless your trading PLUS. and esp with the mining stocks NMS is gonna way way above £10k... the best way though is level 2 cos you can get better prices at smaller size but depends what is being bid/offered etc. ...level 2 only costs about 30 quid neway!...i don't trade stocks but those are the facts.