Volume in stocks


For the last few years i have been profitable scalping index futures and recently i have been looking into using the same strategy on different instruments and different time frames.
Stocks came out on top and so i started looking into trading stocks since i have absolutely no experience with them.

I would enter all my trades at the end of the session, let's say from the last 60 minutes until the close and keep my trades overnight for multiple day's or weeks.
Now i have also been looking at the potential of the strategy and so i have been looking at how much stock i would be able to buy during these last 60 minutes, i am not planning on starting very big but it is nice to know the potential of the strategy.

So i have been doing some calculations and i have noticed something weird. So far i have been using Tradingview (free).
For example: the stock i have been looking at is BIIB (Biogen Inc), my system gave me a short entry on december 4th, total volume according to Tradingview is 1.345M.
However when i looked into the intra day volume to see how much volume was traded during the last hour, to calculate how much i could have traded in an ideal situation, i have noticed there was much less volume. So i did a calculation of all intra day bars and the total volume displayed there was around 40K.

Why is there so much difference between these numbers?
Never mind, already know the answer.
It is because the free tradingview is using BATS data and the volume there is not correct.