Time fractals by their very nature apply to all markets. It is the trader's methodology which may not be fractal independent.
Li,....do me a favour!.....F*ck off!
Time fractals by their very nature apply to all markets. It is the trader's methodology which may not be fractal independent.
Li,....do me a favour!.....F*ck off!
Was Benoît Mandelbrot a good trader?
Was Albert Einstein a good astronaut?
I don't think he ever put his money on the line, and from someone who knows he's not a particularly good mathematician either - all he'll go down in history is for a discovery and nothing more Good enough for me.. (and a few lesser results here and there. Good enough for me.)
You don't need to be an astronaut to do thought experiments about the nature of light. I'm talking more about how Einstein's results facilitated the movement and tracking of astronauts in space. You can get results from the experimentalists. As I'm sure Einstein did and knew well that one bends theory to experiment not the other way around. Perhaps Mandelbrot could stop making money writing books and put his money where his mouth is instead and put it to trading using his knowledge of fractals. But den perhaps he don't give a toot about trading but rather likes to make the occasional discovery and den write about it. Who knows? Who cares? .😆
You don't need fractals at all - sorry to say I don't believe I ever said that one needs fractals to trade (I presume that's what you are talking about) but rather that a trading protocol which is time fractal independent has more utility than one that doesn't.. Those who know, know. Those who don't try everything that they think will fit, but obscure what's really going on. Then there are those who think they know but don't and inflict the arrogance of their ignorance on those about them. 😴
ljyoung said:I'm talking more about how Einstein's results facilitated the movement and tracking of astronauts in space.
ljyoung said:As I'm sure Einstein did and knew well that one bends theory to experiment not the other way around.
ljyoung said:But den perhaps he don't give a toot about trading but rather likes to make the occasional discovery and den write about it. Who knows? Who cares?
One does not need even to think about fractals to trade profitably. It wasn't even around in Livermore's time. (alright so Weierstrass constructed a nowhere differentiable curve which is actually a fractal - but many people would not have known it at the time).ljyoung said:I don't believe I ever said that one needs fractals to trade (I presume that's what you are talking about) but rather that a trading protocol which is time fractal independent has more utility than one that doesn't..
ljyoung said:Then there are those who think they know but don't and inflict the arrogance of their ignorance on those about them.
I don't wish to have a tedious, pointless discussion with you. Nor I with you.
For those who want to know , even the real traders will tell you, less is more. You don't need to know about fractals. They are irrelevant. So don't worry about them, don't think about them. And it's one less thing to think about - which can only be a good thing by the way.
What we have here is a difference of opinion with respect to the relevance of multiple time frames in a trading protocol. One discussant says they are irrelevant while the other says they can be relevant. As for whether or not being aware of time fractals involves less than not being aware of them, I don't know. As always individual traders must make up their own minds and in that regard it seems proper that those who are new to the game be acquainted with the variables which can be part of a given trading method.
No, it does not, you are just confusing them. If you bother to ask the REAL traders nicely they will tell you that they have never heard of using fractals. I'm not here to sell a book, or a course, or a seminar etc. . . .moi aussi fractals are about as much use to traders as they are to group theorists.
Your condescension is REALLY more than a bit much and I welcome your continuing to use it as part of the justification for your premise. I'm not sure (REALLY) what the opening words in your post, "No, it does not ..." refer to. As for confusion-engendering palaver, PA people, by the very nature of the protocol they use, are among the most confusing traders to speak with because of the 'secret sauce' aspect to their methodology.
There is a high probability that we do not hang with the same group of traders, excuse me, I meant to say REAL traders. Which is to say that of course zere are more zan one type of trader, n'est ce pas? As I opined before, you sound like a probabilistic edger and so it is completely understandable, though not singularly so, that you would say what you say about time fractals. It's always nice to hear an opinion from the goy on the other side of the trade.
You don't have a clue - and it's GOOD that you don't have a clue These are profound, powerful and obviously well thought out words based on years of experience on the wrong side of the trade..😆
New_trader's retort to you was spot on Well you know what they say about opinions - yours that is, not new_trader's..😆
"probabilistic"? I hate probability theory (although I know a LOT about it).Tell me, do you have losing runs too You mean like your losing runs? No, I'm sure I don't.?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
It's good that you've returned to form tempy-baby. It's clear that attempting to converse without the use of visual aids was simply too much to handle. Your riposte has left me shattered.
I'm glad to hear that you know a LOT (why the caps?) about probability theory (and yes Virginia, probabilistic is a real word - a big word but a real one, but then maybe that wasn't what you were saying with your query). Perhaps you were saying that you don't use odds when trading your perceived edge. That would be too cool for words. As we both know then, one does not need odds to trade but in lieu of odds [Can one be an edger without using odds and stops and slop?] what would one use? Group theory perhaps? Intuition? Divine inspiration? What could it be?
You see, you're not getting it are you?
Here we are, two individuals arguing, when the real purpose of the thread, and the thread starter, has contributed nothing, and seeks to confuse people more.
In fact, there is really no worth in this thread, apart from the comment that fractals are not needed. People viewing this thread want others to take responsibility for their thinking - ain't going to happen!
lj, you're an idiot . . . . a moron . . . etc . . . . don't let me put you off though.😆
For the most part, you're looking at volume as an activity rather than as a "thing", which is a hurdle most people can't clear. Therefore, the "story" behind the data will make more sense to you.
I'll suggest yet again that focusing on the "bar" without troubling to watch the bar form or at least consult a shorter interval to find out what happened within the bar is a mistake, leading to the same errors as are encouraged by color-coding.
Volume does not tell you which way the price will go.
Higer volume means bigger chances and higher dispute between bull and bear
Yes ,it was absolute rubbish ,but as long as he's happy !