Volume Spike report for 20/02


Many of those who visit this bb may be un aware of how useful this info is. would it be possible to say how you use this information ( what other indicators do u use for creating buy signals )


It would be good idea to explain how do you use these ?

I can say ( with my limited knowledge of TA) that Tony Oz mentioned this in his books. He looks for volume spike to create his watch list then use support & resistance to make his trades. He only use support & resistance no other TA indicator. He looks for shares which have made 52 week high or low on volume spike.

Any comments.


PS Martin, I received the files now. Thanks.

I'll post a thread on how to use vol spikes that are posted on trade2win. it will of course be my opinion and not that of trade2win.co.uk. Hopefully you will find it usefull.



I have just checked my Volume Spike Reports for the last two days and they are completly different to yours.

I am new to AIQ and have not done much tinkering with the settings yet, so I am wondering if this is the reason. I would be grateful if you would be prepared so say what you use and why, or if you have any other suggestions to make.

Sorry for such a basic question, but in this market I question my ability to tie my own shoe laces without confirmation in triplicate!

good question


Its a very good question. Often it depends on what your global properties are set to ( that is found in the reports section ) I normally run ALLSHARE though sometimes just try out ftse100. So what ever you set your reports to generate thats what it will analysise for you.

I find that to much information can be a little overwhelming at times so when trading is difficult i tend to look at the least amount as possible ( for me thats the ftse100 ) top stocks with high vol.

I'll post either later today or tomorrow a post on using spikes.
Might be nice if you could add whether you find them usefull and how you use them.


Thanks for your very quick reply.

As you say there is a lot of information to get used to with AIQ, but with the help of yourself and others I am slowly getting better.

I look forward to your postings on how to use volume spikes and will be happy to give some feedback.

I too stick to the ftse 100 as I have found to my cost that the risks with smaller companies are just not worth it.

Thanks again,
If you click on reports/stock reports/volume spike then right click, you will see the default setting for the average- 21 . check that first.
Getting two systems to give the same answers is VERY difficult as there are so many variables that can be tweaked!

I'll check as you suggest and see what my setting are. I am starting to realize how difficult it is to get two systems the same but am having hours of fun trying.

Chartman and Sefty

Thanks for your volume spike reports, as you might know I posted a thread a few days ago on where to find such information. I am looking forward to reading more on this topic.

