volatile markets or non volatile markets?

i did offer advice but your obviously not paying attention so il repeat, go out there trade a variety or markets using a variety of methods and find whats right for you. Just cause one guy is managing to make over 100k a day on his straedgy doesnt mean you can, otherwise we would all be doing it
Trader Mag again boys... / girls.... this is my source LoL

Bradley Young
Age: 29
Firm: Futex
City: Woking, England
Trades: Futures (DAX, S&P, T-notes, gilt, bund, natural gas)

Legend has it that just outside London in the small, affluent city of Woking resides a pure prop trader who works two hours a day, two days a week — and still makes twice as much as anyone else at his clearing firm. The legend, it turns out, is true — and that gifted trader has the 30 Under 30–appropriate surname Young. “He wears jeans, his lucky jersey and no shoes,” says one colleague. “He even puts on trades and sleeps at his desk.”

Young, an Aussie who spends more time on vacation than he does trading, has been known to pull down $250,000 a week even after the bosses at Futex exact their tribute. “The guy just left for a month in Australia,” says one coworker. “He comes back for a day or two, then heads to Cyprus for two weeks.”

Says Young: “From the very first day I traded a futures contract, I’ve always believed that I was going to be one of the greatest traders of all time. As each day passes and my career progresses, this belief becomes stronger.”
Umm.. where did you get this information from?

I am sorry but there is not a single trader at Futex who would call themselves a spread trader! I know this because I work there!

The mangement will let you trade spreads if you want but everyone there trades predominantly outrights.. and yes, people can hold positions overnight but just leaving a trade and waiting for it to come back is very bad trading and it doesn't happen at Futex.

And by the way.. Yes, Brad makes an absolute shed load of money but no, he doesn't do it with 1000 lots in the FTSE!! (If you read the list of markets he trades in the 30 under 30 thing you can establish this anyway)

Lord Lucan: Bund Bobl Is a spread LoL
congratulation getting a job at FUTEX :smart: maybey you will be the next Brad. Or just copy his stradegy.. or you can share it and make all of rich.
In the mean while read a book about money markets: I will suggest the following:
Trading STIR Futures: An Introduction to Short-term Interest Rate Futures by Stephen Aikin
Lord Lucan: Bund Bobl Is a spread LoL
congratulation getting a job at FUTEX :smart: maybey you will be the next Brad. Or just copy his stradegy.. or you can share it and make all of rich.
In the mean while read a book about money markets: I will suggest the following:
Trading STIR Futures: An Introduction to Short-term Interest Rate Futures by Stephen Aikin

There are plenty of Bund traders at Futex, no one trades the Bobl.

I know what a spread is. I don't need to read a book on STIRS because I don't trade them and no one else at Futex trades them as their primary market.

I told you I work there!! Why do you seem to think you know better?
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There are plenty of Bund traders at Futex, no one trades the Bobl.

I know what a spread is. I don't need to read a book on STIRS because I don't trade them and no one else at Futex trades them as their primary market.

I told you I work there!! Why do you seem to think you know better?

No one at futex trades Short term interest rates ? Hmmm are you sure you are working in FUTEX and not making it up!
Not even bobl ?? what about schatz ?
No one at futex trades Short term interest rates ? Hmmm are you sure you are working in FUTEX and not making it up!
Not even bobl ?? what about schatz ?
Also stop insulting me, be a good boy and start taking on board what people tell you. Forums are for people who want to learn, not for people who know everything …

Oh yes, actually you are right. I just remebered that I was infact doing calender spreads on the Euribor all day today, my mistake.

I am sorry for thinking I know more about my place of work than you and will look through your posts to get an idea of how to appear willing to listen and learn and not like I know everything.

But please tell me, as you didn't before, how do you know so much about Futex?
Oh yes, actually you are right. I just remebered that I was infact doing calender spreads on the Euribor all day today, my mistake.

I am sorry for thinking I know more about my place of work than you and will look through your posts to get an idea of how to appear willing to listen and learn and not like I know everything.

But please tell me, as you didn't before, how do you know so much about Futex?

I won't tell you how I know so much about Futex sorry!
i wonder if lawrie inman is still making money? be interesting to know if this style is sustainable and proabaly quite similar to bradley young as they both did outrights only?, i doubt it otherwise he would be on that list again, i know lawire made £700k in one day on the bobl just after a speech by the president of the euro bank, so he obviously used a fundamental approach, he also maxed out his long positions that day and literally bought the market and he could have gone the other way but he had the balls and a calculated edge, i wonder though is it possible to achieve this with only a techical approach?, people on here say it is but it seems the big money you hear of is purely from yield curves and calculated bets when important news or pre news so im guessing prop traders have no interest in ta at all?
I am suprised that, given the confidence you have in your posts (and, presumably, your ability as a trader in STIRS's and Bund et al), you cannot spot a rhetorical question a mile off.

Rhetorical questions hmmmmm I am still new to this forum 🙂 time will tell if I can spot those questions, also remember if the guy/ girl who is asking a question is not willing to do some research, there is no point answering his/her question.

Willingness to learn is a big thing
im guessing prop traders have no interest in ta at all?

The most successful traders at Futex use a feel for the markets they trade that has taken them a long time to achieve. That feel allows them to understand support and resistance. It really is that simple. And Bradley is not the biggest earner. There is another who is bigger.