Virus & worm warnings


Senior member
virus email?

Just had this appear in my inbox, thought others might find it useful :

"hello, I am from Belgium and you'll don't believe me,
> but a trojan horse in on your computer.
> I've scanned the network-ports on the internet. (I know, that's illegal)
> And I have found your pc. Your pc is open on the internet for everybody!
> Because the services.exe trojan is running on your system.
> Check this, open the task manager and try to stop that!
> You'll see, you can't stop this trojan.
> When you use win98/me you can't see the trojan!!
> On my system was this trojan, too!
> And I've found a tool to kill that bad thing.
> I hope that I've helped you!
> greets"

Needless to say, the "tool" was a .zl9 file (whatever that is) that I deleted. The address it came from doesnt exist ( address).

I'm ZoneAlarm firewalled and AVG'd up, and didnt have any viruses anyway, but this kind of crud really gets my goat.

Looks to me that zonealarm zapped whatever it was that this bloke was trying to send you.

Best to run "Shields-up" and "probe my ports" from Steve Gibson's site just to be sure that you're not vulnerable in any way. Also, check out the Free stuff on the site, whre you'll find some other tools that help you to close down other vulnerable areas on your pc, e.g ip-agent and the leaktest, etc.

Really sorry, if this is sucking eggs for you - but it may help other here. 😀



...wonder what will be a feamle version of 'virus checker'?

...when jonnyT is probing?????
Virus Warning !!

Hi , I recently recieved 2 email with a microsoft Logo advising me how I should protect my system by using the attachment' it also contained text refering to Tascalli or similar, I didn't open it
but sent it on to [email protected], they it turn contacted me saying they never sent such emails, and advised me to delete all traces of the email, so I inturn advise you do to the same if one turns up! DON'T open the attachment, forward it on to microsoft, Good Luck..........wheezergeezer