virtual servers for mt4


Hi, I can't access the internet from work but I have been told that I would be able to connect to a virtual server and then use that to access the internet. As long as I don't tell my boss it sounds like a good idea to me so that I can access share trading sites and also have metatrader4 set up. In theory I can then access the virtual server from work or from home. It also means I don't have to worry about leaving my pc on at home to run mt4.
That's the theory but in practice does any have any experience of doing this? Are virtual servers safe/reliable/worth the money?
I've found a couple of websites that do them which I've listed below but does anyone have any views/idea's/suggestions from their own experiences?
Many thanks
Sites I've found:
Forex Virtual Server VPS From Only $35pm
Hi, I can't access the internet from work but I have been told that I would be able to connect to a virtual server and then use that to access the ...
Many thanks
Sites I've found:
Forex Virtual Server VPS From Only $35pm

I found a broker he will givge you a free VPS if you open a real account and found

I only can not find some info over this broker from other trader

may I will give it a try

thanks Eagle, I've also read recently about a free vps from a broker but it was dependant on a certain number of trades. I'm already set up with and I'm very happy with them so unlikely to change at the moment.
I once thinked about it when using VTT. But it is rather expensive to pu on platfomr on server and let it work this way. Besiedes you never know if connection is not lost any time.
Hi Frank, I think the part I like about it is that when I was running mt4 at home and the pc got turned off it was only turned on again when I realised. This could mean that it's off overnight or even longer if I was away from home. With a Virtual Server you know it's going to back on again very soon and as long as you have mt4 set to auto start then you're not going to have much downtime.
I got caught out a few times when running mt4 from home but I don't think it had too much impact as I didn't have too much money invested at the time. When I put more money into my fx accounts I needed more assurity that I wouldn't have too much downtime.
Depending on the prices of the VPS, you may find it easier to buy your own Windows VPS and run the programs on there with a Remote Desktop function, it should only cost around $10/mo for the VPS 🙂
Igor I'd be very interested in any companies you can point out a VPS windows edition with that function.

Window's VPS from what I've seen is always more expensive than the linux counterpart. If you know of a company which has $10/mo windows hosting I'd love to see their cloud hosting.

I'm guessing it'll be a barebone system though, with low ram and bandwidth and possibly over populated.


They are available free with some brokers, but if yout E A is any good there is a risk of it being copied.You might find it being sold on the internet for $99.
Depending on the prices of the VPS, you may find it easier to buy your own Windows VPS and run the programs on there with a Remote Desktop function, it should only cost around $10/mo for the VPS 🙂

Theres a new voucher code now for 10% extra of yearly so its about £160.00 / year at If you arent starting with a big account balance this is one of the cheapest alternatives to getting given one by your broker.
Theres a new voucher code now for 10% extra of yearly so its about £160.00 / year at If you arent starting with a big account balance this is one of the cheapest alternatives to getting given one by your broker.

Market Wizard are you using, if so whats the service like. I am trying to find a company that provides a good service.