Viable strategy?


Active member
Ive just read 'Beat the Forex Dealer' and came across an interesting strategy: the 'continuity trade'

It involves jumping into a trade in the market direction on a USD pair in the last few hours of NY trading on a Friday. It must have had a large move during the session. The trade is then closed just before the Toyoko open late Sunday.

I think the idea is that over this time the markets are thin and so price will simply continue in the prevailing direction. Expected return is 10-30 pips and high probability of success.

Anyone practice this? Used it before?
Hi there , Very nice post to define the the strategy , I do agree about the price fluctuations and its effects on the Forex business.Its a nice information and keep it on.
How can you close it if the market hasn't opened on the Sunday night?
Or worse a black swan over the weekend - imagine japanese tsunami happened saturday instead of friday, and you were on the wrong side.
At best it would sting...
Ive just read 'Beat the Forex Dealer' and came across an interesting strategy: the 'continuity trade'

It involves jumping into a trade in the market direction on a USD pair in the last few hours of NY trading on a Friday. It must have had a large move during the session. The trade is then closed just before the Toyoko open late Sunday.

I think the idea is that over this time the markets are thin and so price will simply continue in the prevailing direction. Expected return is 10-30 pips and high probability of success.

Anyone practice this? Used it before?

not without a cast iron Guaranteed stop system and a broker that wont screw you :whistling

This strategy sounds like the "One Night Stand" system first published by Joe Krutsinger and since published by Joel Rensink of

My guess is that the profits can be good but the drawdown is bad.

The strategy exploits the fact that many dealers are off-loading to avoid overnight/weekend risk - so therefore using this system is the opposite - you would be profiting from taking on that overnight / weekend risk.
Sounds like the strategy is designed to take advantage of the books being cleared at the end of the week.