
IIRC AIG posted massive losses back in May because of their bond insurance activities... I guess if they to tits up, the existing policies are void, thus theres alot of un-insured business that will get unwound because of the risk profile...

... if thats the case, keep an eye on Ambac, MBIA and Assured Guaranty

What would be funny if AIG went t*ts up is if they would consider Man Utd as part of it's assets and put the first team up for sale 😆
What would be funny if AIG went t*ts up is if they would consider Man Utd as part of it's assets and put the first team up for sale 😆

Flood of premier teams up for sale... :whistling

Not far from the truth. 😆

I think most things are over valued these days. I wonder how many people will be able to afford £50 tickets and shirts.
Indices back up after rumours of a government bailout for AIG.
US-Börse: Dow stemmt sich gegen weltweiten Abwärtstrend - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wirtschaft

Pretty arbitrary, eh, who gets thrown overboard and who doesn't.

Not really a well planned and executed Plan B, rather Hysteria and Pandemonium, more like it.

I heard it depends on the likely impact on other related businesses.

Also, Lehman managment sounds pretty bloody minded rejecting a $26 offer from the Koreans. 🙄
Fuld should carry this on his shoulders for the rest of his life. A total $$$$.
Morgan Stanley's turn...

Negotiating with Wachovia for a rescue package after Citi has allegedly declined any form of assistance / take-over.
Gebeutelte US-Investmentbank: Morgan Stanley verhandelt mit Wachovia über Fusion - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wirtschaft

From an original 5 US investment banks, this leaves ONLY Goldman Sachs surviving ?!?!?

Australia affected also, with its largest investment bank on the brink of bankruptcy, Macquarie Group Ltd.

This is really like a game of dominoes, only its not a game, is it.

These are real jobs and real lives here, without even going into any of the other economic repercussions this may turn out to have.
I went for a job a Lehmans in London about 18 months ago.... but opted to go elswhere at the time cause I didnt want to work on the 24th Floor... although the view was nice...

How things change... I wouldnt have dreamed they could be gone,,, tsk tsk...
I went for a job a Lehmans in London about 18 months ago.... but opted to go elswhere at the time cause I didnt want to work on the 24th Floor... although the view was nice...

How things change... I wouldnt have dreamed they could be gone,,, tsk tsk...

Phew, good luck that !!
wonder if we'll be seeing more? that's quite a big one for me... 158 years wrapped up just like that.

"Lehman Collapse Freezes 100 Hedge Funds

Wisely, most hedge funds moved away from Lehman Brothers in the past few months. But a few weren't so lucky.

FT: About 100 hedge funds that used Lehman Brothers as their prime broker had positions held via the failed bank frozen on Monday as administrators took charge of the London business and the US holding company filed for bankruptcy.

Many hedge funds had already abandoned Lehman, shifting balances from the prime brokerage to rivals amid widespread worries about the bank and its plunging share price.

But those funds that remain with the bank face uncertainty and possible losses of assets, with several funds and a Lehman broker on Monday saying positions held in London had been frozen. Lehman did not return calls seeking comment.

The collapse – the biggest bankruptcy in history – prompted many funds to reassess the riskiness of their prime brokers, divisions of banks which provide leverage to hedge funds and help them sell stocks short."

Lehman Collapse Freezes 100 Hedge Funds
Well WaMu lasted longer than I thought... however must confess that when this first started to do the rounds I disregarded it as just the rumor mill in top gear (i.e. total b0ll0cks); needless to say...

Fortis Receives EU11.2 Billion Rescue From Benelux Governments

By Martijn van der Starre

Sept. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg invested 11.2 billion euros ($16.3 billion) in Fortis, Belgium's biggest financial-services firm, partially nationalizing the bank in a move to restore investor confidence.

Brussels and Amsterdam-based Fortis will also sell its stake in ABN Amro Holding NV's banking unit, Belgium's Prime Minister Yves Leterme said a press conference today.

For Related News: Search of Fortis and Dierckx: NSE FORTIS FILIP DIERCKX <GO> Top Fortis stories: FORB BB <Equity> TCNI WWTOP <GO>