Vantage -ean Mendleson

dave hadden

Hi, I am new to spreadbetting and have been looking at an American company called Vantage. Has anyone had dealings with this company?

I initially went to a company CFTL. So far I haven't done too well? Does anyone have anything on this system. Dave
Dave., Don't touch it with a barge pole in my opinion having bought it and sent it back again its not worth the price of the packaging. Its a moving average system that claims to use intermarket analysis to predict the next days high, low and direction I could guess better most of the time by working out the averages of the high and low myself. It simply doesn't work sounds good in theory but nobody can guess the future certainly not software. Its a ridiculous price, save your money and go on a good course instead if necessary I think you mean CFTR I have done that too another complete waste of money. Learn technical analysis, keep your losses small and practice the only person who can teach you to trade is yourself because we are all different and have different circumstances, eg time, capital and committment.

Thanks Schoe and Tradetim for the advice. I shall take it on board.Are there any good books you can recommend especially for working the charts.
Cheers Dave
I suggest you take a look at the free info available on (Traders Wheel section) and .

As far as books are concerned, there are many choices (see t2w/Global Investor bookshop) but those most usually recommended are "Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John Murphy" and "Technical Analysis of Stock Trends by Edwards & McGee". I`ve not personally read these books, having found out about TA via a much more circuituous and expensive route, but I`ve heard many people recommend them.

I found the two books by Van Tharp "Trade your Way to Financial Freedom" and "Financial Freedom through Electronic Day Trading" to be very good on the essential matter of money management and (in the latter book) an introduction to Level 2 trading.

Hope that helps!
*taps mic* is this thing still on?

Tradertim and Schoe - I am sorry to hear your experience with our software was so unfavorable. For more than 38 years now, our company has been dedicated to producing the highest quality AI software to interpret and predict market data. Seems like your interaction with us was a very long time ago. I would welcome you to give us another shot - maybe see the new UI and various other improvements.

Our website is still [Link Removed] and we have plenty of video material for you to review. You can always reach us with any questions you may have. Our accuracy is measured and reported each year. Our most recent was an average of 80% across all the markets we forecast for (stocks, futures, forex and etfs) with some markets as high as 86%!

Dave - if you're still searching for the right tool to give you valuable data and improve your timing in the market - let us know! We've helped more than 20,000 traders around the world to become more successful in their trades. Between the software itself and our world-class support and training - I am sure we can help you as well.
Vantage Point.

A family member had access to Vantage Point software.

Does it do what the label say's it will do.

Of course not!