Vacancy in Nebraska


Legendary member
There would appear to be a vacancy in a fast-food chain, owing to someone leaving. You dont need proven credentials, although being able to shoot straight might come in handy. Just dont get yourself sacked.

someone blows themselves up, killing many innocents, we impose incredibly draconian measures to prevent tragedies ever happening again. we need to be protected form these bad guys.

but what if these bad guys, are our own home-grown psychos?
what new laws will be enacted to prevent this in future?

what is the difference in suicide-bombers and suicide-gunmen?
other than the gunman was more cold and calculating as he deliberately, pre-meditatedly, specifically, aimed and fired, aimed and fired, aimed and fired, aimed and fired.

I sincerely hope the sense of outrage is the same, and not start to provide excuses like stress, bad-childhood, failed-realtionship, in an attempt to "understand" why it happened, for no other reason that it was caused by "one of us", an educated, western man, rather than some psycho from a far-off scary place.
There would appear to be a vacancy in a fast-food chain, owing to someone leaving. You dont need proven credentials, although being able to shoot straight might come in handy. Just dont get yourself sacked.

someone blows themselves up, killing many innocents, we impose incredibly draconian measures to prevent tragedies ever happening again. we need to be protected form these bad guys.

but what if these bad guys, are our own home-grown psychos?
what new laws will be enacted to prevent this in future?

what is the difference in suicide-bombers and suicide-gunmen?
other than the gunman was more cold and calculating as he deliberately, pre-meditatedly, specifically, aimed and fired, aimed and fired, aimed and fired, aimed and fired.

I sincerely hope the sense of outrage is the same, and not start to provide excuses like stress, bad-childhood, failed-realtionship, in an attempt to "understand" why it happened, for no other reason that it was caused by "one of us", an educated, western man, rather than some psycho from a far-off scary place.

I'm not sure I understand your point Trendie. I think people will be outraged, no matter what.

The problem is knowing exactly where to vent that outrage. Should we protest a the next "spotty teenagers guns and ammo magazine convention"...?

I doubt the families feel more relieved that their relatives were murdered by "one of their own".

As for what new laws will be created - This is the US of A. I suspect they'll ban the "buy one rocket launcher, get one free" ads from packs of bubbly gum and dipers, but nothing more.

One thing I always admired about you Brits was the laid back, self-confident approach you displayed in the face of decades of IRA terror, with absolutely zero succumbing to hysteria on display...

You simply accepted that that is something that can happen, just like every other sort of crime is an intrinsic part of life that nothing will ever remove completely in a dualistic world, and then you got on with the business of living life.

Most importantly, you never made the mistake of confusing empty actionism of politicians trying to impress their electorate with lots of draconian sounding but ultimately completely uneffective measures that usually amount to no more than window dressing, with getting the job done.

To get a grip on the problem, you chose the only approach that will ever work, you tackled the causes, and eventually, as a result of that, in combination with good old fashioned police work to get at the actual criminals, the problem eventually disappeared.

That said, crime as such can never be eradicated completely, and unless you want to lock up everybody on the chance that they might be a potential perpetrator, crime will always be a part of life.
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well, i think they should re run Little house on the prairie. Bring back some core values.

hang on, what about that Amish community anyone fancy a bit of that . Setting it up,hmmm outside Leicester or something? Come on look at it. You like ?


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One thing I always admired about you Brits was the laid back, self-confident approach you displayed in the face of decades of IRA terror, with absolutely zero succumbing to hysteria on display...

You simply accepted that that is something that can happen, just like every other sort of crime is an intrinsic part of life that nothing will ever remove completely in a dualistic world, and then you got on with the business of living life.

Most importantly, you never made the mistake of confusing empty actionism of politicians trying to impress their electorate with lots of draconian sounding but ultimately completely uneffective measures that usually amount to no more than window dressing, with getting the job done.

To get a grip on the problem, you chose the only approach that will ever work, you tackled the causes, and eventually, as a result of that, in combination with good old fashioned police work to get at the actual criminals, the problem eventually disappeared.

That said, crime as such can never be eradicated completely, and unless you want to lock up everybody on the chance that they might be a potential perpetrator, crime will always be a part of life.

yes but we will bomb the hell out of things too, if the p!ss is taken too far!
If your child dies drowning in a swimming pool while playing at his mates, you would probabaly feel no outrage, whereas if he was gunned down while walking home from school, you would be extremely outraged. Yet a child in the US is much much more likely to die by drowning than from a gun shot wound. In other words, it is safer for an American kid to play at a house where they have a gun than in a house with a swimming pool. Bloody tragicomic. (I got this from FREAKONOMICS (very good book))

You chances of getting killed in a terrorist attack are pretty near non-existent, while your chance of dying from a heart attack are pretty good by comparison. We spend a lot of money and make too much bloody noise for a threat that is vanishingly small. Bush can get funds to 'fight terrorism' in a blink of an eye. Imagine him trying to get money to combat heart problem.

Politics is f'ucked up and we are useless at assessing risk and thinking the right way up. lol
what is the difference in suicide-bombers and suicide-gunmen?


One uses a bomb, normally a 'home made' device. The other, or gunmen, use guns.

The reason for the bombers having to make bombs at home is all psychological, they know they are rubbish shot's, see. The gunmen, on the other hand are confident in their aim. Take the latest incident in the states, the gunman had 13 rounds max in the weapons magazine, maybe less.

A bomber may go to some waste ground with a gun to practice his aim, that's when he will realise he is a born bomber, and not a gunman, because of his dire aim.

Hope this clears things up, trendie.
what is the difference in suicide-bombers and suicide-gunmen?


One uses a bomb, normally a 'home made' device. The other, or gunmen, use guns.

The reason for the bombers having to make bombs at home is all psychological, they know they are rubbish shot's, see. The gunmen, on the other hand are confident in their aim. Take the latest incident in the states, the gunman had 13 rounds max in the weapons magazine, maybe less.

A bomber may go to some waste ground with a gun to practice his aim, that's when he will realise he is a born bomber, and not a gunman, because of his dire aim.

Hope this clears things up, trendie.

Gunman likes the thrill of the kill. Purely personnel. Social reject.

Bomber has a cause, killing is a means to an end. Purely social. Social reject.

Both are screwed up fock3rs!
There would appear to be a vacancy in a fast-food chain, owing to someone leaving. You dont need proven credentials, although being able to shoot straight might come in handy. Just dont get yourself sacked.

someone blows themselves up, killing many innocents, we impose incredibly draconian measures to prevent tragedies ever happening again. we need to be protected form these bad guys.

but what if these bad guys, are our own home-grown psychos?
what new laws will be enacted to prevent this in future?

what is the difference in suicide-bombers and suicide-gunmen?
other than the gunman was more cold and calculating as he deliberately, pre-meditatedly, specifically, aimed and fired, aimed and fired, aimed and fired, aimed and fired.

I sincerely hope the sense of outrage is the same, and not start to provide excuses like stress, bad-childhood, failed-realtionship, in an attempt to "understand" why it happened, for no other reason that it was caused by "one of us", an educated, western man, rather than some psycho from a far-off scary place.

Perhaps -

we need more cops shooting more (maybe innocent) suspect looking people with more tasers. Who knows, they may be a terrorist afterall. They Live Taser Saucer To Become A Reality

We need to get the public micro-chipped, so that we can follow their every move by remote satellite, and if they seem to be up to something dodgy, the pre-crime elite police force can be on hand in minutes to prevent a nasty incident.

We need more CCTV, not just in town centres, but in villages, streets, classrooms, offices, public toilets & changing rooms, parks, woodlands and yes - even in peoples homes - so that our every action can be watched & recorded. Not just the CCTV that takes our pictures, but the CCTV that can hear us, monitor our mood/thought patterns/intents etc. again linked to the pre-crime police department.

We need more informants, willing to report their suspect colleagues/neighbours for any behaviour irregularites.
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Perhaps -

we need more cops shooting more (maybe innocent) suspect looking people with more tasers. Who knows, they may be a terrorist afterall. They Live Taser Saucer To Become A Reality

We need to get the public micro-chipped, so that we can follow their every move by remote satellite, and if they seem to be up to something dodgy, the pre-crime elite police force can be on hand in minutes to prevent a nasty incident.

We need more CCTV, not just in town centres, but in villages, streets, classrooms, offices, public toilets & changing rooms, parks, woodlands and yes - even in peoples homes - so that our every action can be watched & recorded. Not just the CCTV that takes our pictures, but the CCTV that can hear us, monitor our mood/thought patterns/intents etc. again linked to the pre-crime police department.

We need more informants, willing to report their suspect colleagues/neighbours for any behaviour irregularites.

Who would you trust more, JT?

a) A bomber.

b) A gunman.
We need all immigrants to be returned 'home'. Not just immigrants, but also their descendants. Mind you, you don't want to go back too far in time and end up with no M&S. (My neighbour is this old diplomat, 89, and she goes to M&S because it is 'ENGLISH'. haha). Also, they would have to do without our dear queen. So lets just start from circa 1948, shall we? You will have to replace half the NHS stuff PDQ. That should be easy seeing white British people are all like Chuck Norris and all.

Damn, you are, at a stroke, going to have so may empty flats or even cities. Should be comfortable for all the 'indigineous' people, don't you tyhink? They can have about 12 properties apiece. They can cook authentic Tikka Massala in the newly emptied kitchen and all.

Having sanitised the British Isles of all dodgy foreigners, they can then ban anyone who is not from Europe (read white) from entering the UK. The fabric of the English people should restart regenerating now that the low IQ Africans and others have been eliminated. Given all bombings are carried out by darkies and new comers and other assorted asylum seekers and their like, there should be no terrorist threat therefore no need for all this security from the ever-present danger we are dodging night and day at present.

The Daily Mail and the Daily Express will have to find new scapegoats which must be a bit of a bummer for them. They will also have to explain how it is the place doesn't have any decent food any more and is total nirvana given that the plague of all those outsiders has been removed. They are British and very clever so that should be easy, I reckon.

Britain can then be insulated from all the degenarate peoples of the world which have been destroying its identity. Britons will all join mensa given they are geniuses and the streets will be free from muslims preaching hate using megaphones.

That sounds all nice and dandy to me, what do you think?
We need all immigrants to be returned 'home'. Not just immigrants, but also their descendants. Mind you, you don't want to go back too far in time and end up with no M&S. (My neighbour is this old diplomat, 89, and she goes to M&S because it is 'ENGLISH'. haha). Also, they would have to do without our dear queen. So lets just start from circa 1948, shall we? You will have to replace half the NHS stuff PDQ. That should be easy seeing white British people are all like Chuck Norris and all.

Damn, you are, at a stroke, going to have so may empty flats or even cities. Should be comfortable for all the 'indigineous' people, don't you tyhink? They can have about 12 properties apiece. They can cook authentic Tikka Massala in the newly emptied kitchen and all.

Having sanitised the British Isles of all dodgy foreigners, they can then ban anyone who is not from Europe (read white) from entering the UK. The fabric of the English people should restart regenerating now that the low IQ Africans and others have been eliminated. Given all bombings are carried out by darkies and new comers and other assorted asylum seekers and their like, there should be no terrorist threat therefore no need for all this security from the ever-present danger we are dodging night and day at present.

The Daily Mail and the Daily Express will have to find new scapegoats which must be a bit of a bummer for them. They will also have to explain how it is the place doesn't have any decent food any more and is total nirvana given that the plague of all those outsiders has been removed. They are British and very clever so that should be easy, I reckon.

Britain can then be insulated from all the degenarate peoples of the world which have been destroying its identity. Britons will all join mensa given they are geniuses and the streets will be free from muslims preaching hate using megaphones.

That sounds all nice and dandy to me, what do you think?

Mmmmm. I'm not keen on this outlook, FX. Don't mess with curry! And talking of curry, my local takeaway has been re-opened this week, used to be the best around, top chefs in there. Bangladeshis, not indian! The owner, who is Indian, and who i am good friends with (always greet with a handshake), says a lot of the best chefs are Bangladeshis, don't know how true this is but they knock up some top nosh at my local.
Think Freudian here! Circles and lines! Definately not neccessarily social rejects. Maybe disgruntled, Freud would love them.

Yeah...? 🙄 Is that your personal view???

How comes they get locked up, or executed and you as a member of society you don't give em any love?

You preaching tough hoody love or what?

You Tory or something - soft on crime??? :cheesy:
Mmmmm. I'm not keen on this outlook, FX. Don't mess with curry! And talking of curry, my local takeaway has been re-opened this week, used to be the best around, top chefs in there. Bangladeshis, not indian! The owner, who is Indian, and who i am good friends with (always greet with a handshake), says a lot of the best chefs are Bangladeshis, don't know how true this is but they knock up some top nosh at my local.

It is absolutely true...the majority of chefs and waiters are Bangladeshi. I spent over a month in their country. Interestingly, their food is nothing like the western " indian " dishes served here.