USDJPY... run through 124.30 coming soon

This price action is 100% compliant with HVF theory and as stated post running first Interim through 120 as previously suggested would happen. This is a legitimate 2nd chance for Longs... we have had both the BoJ say all QE is done and terrible US data twice.. and we have not returned to PreNonFarm levels... it is perfectly poised for resumption shortly and the 124 Target run through call holds and is a reassert.
This price action is 100% compliant with HVF theory and as stated post running first Interim through 120 as previously suggested would happen. This is a legitimate 2nd chance for Longs... we have had both the BoJ say all QE is done and terrible US data twice.. and we have not returned to PreNonFarm levels... it is perfectly poised for resumption shortly and the 124 Target run through call holds and is a reassert.


The key for me intraday is 118 20 to 35 holding as an interim support area.

If this area let go then OK we have the round number at 118 00 - but under there then down to 117 60 and 50

I will be scalp buying above 118 65 and 83 but without breaching then 119 25 + - would still look again for scalp sells to test 118 / 60 area again

GL with your plan


A Base 'U' on funnel?

A Base 'U' on funnel?

Rounded bottom, as we await new drivers for Yen weakness..


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