USA Vs China – Hot war in our lifetime?

USA Vs China – Hot war in out lifetime?

  • Inevitable - 100%

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • High Possibility - 80%

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Possibility - 50%

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Low Possibility - 20%

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • No Chance - 0%

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters
I'm confident that a Trumpian provoked nuclear war would be, as he would say, with his right hand thumb and middle finger touching "The... most... marvellous... beautiful...incredible...nuclear...war ...ever..and... my... daughter... !!! "
War mongers should be banned from high office jobs.
WW3 would be the end of civilization on this planet. It has taken forever to build it up and would take only minutes to destroy the lot.
No one man should have the power to launch nuclear weapons in a first strike attack.
But they have !
A 20% chance is 1 in 5. Don't think it's that high but it's not zero. more like 1 in 100. thta's not insignificant
It is a great pity that decent people get squeezed out of top jobs by the adventurers and lunatics.
The rest of us are at fault letting it happen.
It is a great pity that decent people get squeezed out of top jobs by the adventurers and lunatics.
The rest of us are at fault letting it happen.

What do you mean by this? Who are decent people getting squeezed, and who are the lunatic adventurers that you reference?

You lost me?
What do you mean by this? Who are decent people getting squeezed, and who are the lunatic adventurers that you reference?

You lost me?

There are now people in top positions in countries like Turkey, Russia, North Korea,Iran etc. that are not decent democratic people but more extreme than usual. Will the Trump team turn their way ? I wonder. There are other extremists in the wings like in France, Netherlands, Austria etc. just waiting for their opportunity.
The decent people are the masses in the countries which they hope to control.
Economics will play a vital part as usual. The AI revolution and the consequent large numbers of unemployed another big ingredient.
Interesting times ahead as the old guard are chucked out with popularism.
Let's hope it all blows over and back to sleep.
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I think that a major proxy war will happen within the next 20 years.
A major war with another major nuclear superpower I don't think is easy to forecast.
This is considering the fact that two superpowers at war would be sudden and chaotic.
No more troops marching to your borders, no more radar systems that can detect 5hitty missiles.
A cruise missile that can hit california from china would take less than hour in its journey. We just had an unresponsive jet today on the coast of florida....the fact that they can't recognize it should worry us
North Korea must be the key to US China relations.
Kim is hell bent on having a nuclear war just as soon as his missiles can hit mainland America.
Will Trump dither around trying peace talks ? This is already a failed policy. Even less likely to work now that the Kim family have invested so much time and resources into the project.
It may come down to how many cities will Trump sacrifice in a few months time before he strikes back, regardless of what China and Russia do.

An overwhelming First Strike may be one of the few options left as the clock ticks.
He could though drop one directly onto Kim and his generals on his balcony on the next parade.
Or he could engineer an internal coup.
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a concern among current and former defense officials and military analysts, that in war games simulating great-power conflict in which the United States fights Russia and China, the United States “gets its ass handed to it.”

China's solid Edge #1 is GEOGRAPHY

Edge #2 exponential advancement ............. 5 yrs will overtake = China waking up while US falling into slumber

Edge#3 Hungry like Mike Tyson was when he started

The US had deployed low-yield nuclear weapons on US subs.
Not civilisation-destroying megaton monsters, but smaller battlefield weapons, in the 5-kiloton range.
The slope just got slippier.
In return for normalising US/China trade relations they may be persuaded to dump Kim plus his rotten dictatorship .
Dumping Kim is not an option. Refugees will flood China and crawl up every orifice, some will gt into russia too.
It is obvious that there will be a conflict due to the pandemic, but both countries depend a lot on each other, so that will not be without a little political tension.
One hopes that world leaders will exercise caution before escalating tensions to all out war !
It just goes to show how stupid some people are when you take a closer look at the India V, Chins conflict on their border.
Quite unnecessary to fight over such mountainous places which only support a few sheep herders.
Both India and China are showing adolescent behaviours which could spiral out of control.
Flexing their new found strengths.