Unions, bless em, where do you start with these parasites?
A friend of my parents is in his 60's and until a few years ago was a union rep at Corus railway repair plant. He is die hard labour, thinks Maggie is the devil blah, blah, blah. Boy can I work him over well😀 One of these days I might give him a coronary God forbid. I really should stop.
It's no surprise that in the West, unions are most prevalent in the public sector.
Interest rates in the free market can change very quickly, but ask why? Is the market irrational, stupid, clueless? Or is it a case of reacting to the uncertainty of a basket case economy created by endless idiotic meddling at every level and not knowing what crack-pot government action is coming next? What better way to determine risk than thousands of market players risking their own, or their companies money? If the risk assigned to Spanish bonds was out of whack you can be sure it would only be temporary as the opportunity would be snapped up by others.
Central banks are not the independent stewards of monetary policy we are told. They are political shills. Why anyone would trust them with determining just what is best for an economy is beyond me. They almost never, ever, ever get anything right. Even so, as far as I am aware their mandate is not even to micro manage the economy, it is price stability, which they call around 2% inflation. In that regard they are an epic failure. How many years have we heard from Merv that the price inflation above 2% is 'temporary'?