Houses in Florida look tempting... bungalow with nice landscaped lawn, swimming pools .. etc. or You'd rather be in cold gloomy grey and windy uk weather.🙂
australia mate, thats the place to go
Seems your ass may be more fortunate than you in those circumstances.Hmmmm......Wet and Cold London....or a beach in Florida....Not exactly a difficult decision !! Hence my gfriend (american) who lives here with me wants to move home....more than likely dragging my unfortunate ass with her !!
Hmmmm......Wet and Cold London....or a beach in Florida....Not exactly a difficult decision !! Hence my gfriend (american) who lives here with me wants to move home....more than likely dragging my unfortunate ass with her !!
Well if you want to work you better make her your wife before you leave.
yes....Been with her for 2 years....still getting cold feet over the whole marriage deal. But yes in order to get a work visa you need to be married.
then you can be even more under the thumb mate!😆
Morning All,
I am aware this was posted 2+ years ago but did anyone ever find out about this? Is it possible for a UK citizen to be granted a VISA to work as self employed trader in the US? I am not interested in a permanent residency, more 3 - 5 years.
Did anyone find out if the E2 visa applies?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Obviously if I was to go through with this, I would seek professional advice but this is in the extremely early stages. In fact, I have only started thinking about it in the past few days.