US stock trading platforms


Established member
Im thinking about trying my hand at US equities trading at some point in the future.
I come from a spreadbetting and some futures trading background (still learning) and so im very new to stock trading.

I've demo'd a few daytrading platforms like instaquote and das trader.
I really like both of them. They are both so very very fast when compared to say, ninjatrader (the only futures platform I traded live) which just seems clunky and kind of slow. The daytrading platforms I mentioned above were like lightning. charts load in a split second. Everything is so smooth.

However, from what I gather, neither of these platforms are able to build custom indicators.
My trading is mainly based on rather 'non TA' concepts, although I do also make occasional use of a few custom indicators which I would like to use.

So I'm looking for ways to incorporate both.

After doindgsome reading this morning, it looks like maybe 'tradestation' is the closest to what im after? Seems you can make custom indicators (guess i'd have to pay someone to convert them from mq4 and ninjatrader languages) and i'm told it runs nearly as smoothly at 'instaquote' and 'das trader pro'.

I also wonder if I could maybe open an account with IB, but use someone else for charting and and custom indicators?

Although, being from mainly a spreadbetting background, Im confused as to how all of the technical side of it works. Do I need to pay for a data feed from one company, pay a platform fee to another company, and open a broker with another company?? Then somehow link them all together? All seems a little complicated.
so, in summary, what other platforms are there with the speed of something like instaquote, but that can run custom indicators, and am I right about the technical setup side of things (datafeeds/platform/broker). What would be the easiest way to trade equities using ninjatrader fro example? (not that I want to use ninja. Too buggy and slow)

Im thinking about trying my hand at US equities trading at some point in the future.
I come from a spreadbetting and some futures trading background (still learning) and so im very new to stock trading.

I've demo'd a few daytrading platforms like instaquote and das trader.
I really like both of them. They are both so very very fast when compared to say, ninjatrader (the only futures platform I traded live) which just seems clunky and kind of slow. The daytrading platforms I mentioned above were like lightning. charts load in a split second. Everything is so smooth.

However, from what I gather, neither of these platforms are able to build custom indicators.
My trading is mainly based on rather 'non TA' concepts, although I do also make occasional use of a few custom indicators which I would like to use.

So I'm looking for ways to incorporate both.

After doindgsome reading this morning, it looks like maybe 'tradestation' is the closest to what im after? Seems you can make custom indicators (guess i'd have to pay someone to convert them from mq4 and ninjatrader languages) and i'm told it runs nearly as smoothly at 'instaquote' and 'das trader pro'.

I also wonder if I could maybe open an account with IB, but use someone else for charting and and custom indicators?

Although, being from mainly a spreadbetting background, Im confused as to how all of the technical side of it works. Do I need to pay for a data feed from one company, pay a platform fee to another company, and open a broker with another company?? Then somehow link them all together? All seems a little complicated.
so, in summary, what other platforms are there with the speed of something like instaquote, but that can run custom indicators, and am I right about the technical setup side of things (datafeeds/platform/broker). What would be the easiest way to trade equities using ninjatrader fro example? (not that I want to use ninja. Too buggy and slow)


I would like to point you to Pinnacle Capital Markets, IB TWS and SaxoBank. I can recommend all of them.
E-Signal is good but a bit pricey (for me at least) US markets about $200 a month.

Yo ucan write indicators or whatever you want to customise everything is a javascript type language
I use, but for charting I use etrade pro because the Level 2 is delayed. TDameritrade offers free level. If your trading low volume ie 1 million stocks. I recommend level 2.

For the big boards, you don't need it much.
Im thinking about trying my hand at US equities trading at some point in the future.
I come from a spreadbetting and some futures trading background (still learning) and so im very new to stock trading.

I've demo'd a few daytrading platforms like instaquote and das trader.
I really like both of them. They are both so very very fast when compared to say, ninjatrader (the only futures platform I traded live) which just seems clunky and kind of slow. The daytrading platforms I mentioned above were like lightning. charts load in a split second. Everything is so smooth.

However, from what I gather, neither of these platforms are able to build custom indicators.
My trading is mainly based on rather 'non TA' concepts, although I do also make occasional use of a few custom indicators which I would like to use.

So I'm looking for ways to incorporate both.

After doindgsome reading this morning, it looks like maybe 'tradestation' is the closest to what im after? Seems you can make custom indicators (guess i'd have to pay someone to convert them from mq4 and ninjatrader languages) and i'm told it runs nearly as smoothly at 'instaquote' and 'das trader pro'.

I also wonder if I could maybe open an account with IB, but use someone else for charting and and custom indicators?

Although, being from mainly a spreadbetting background, Im confused as to how all of the technical side of it works. Do I need to pay for a data feed from one company, pay a platform fee to another company, and open a broker with another company?? Then somehow link them all together? All seems a little complicated.
so, in summary, what other platforms are there with the speed of something like instaquote, but that can run custom indicators, and am I right about the technical setup side of things (datafeeds/platform/broker). What would be the easiest way to trade equities using ninjatrader fro example? (not that I want to use ninja. Too buggy and slow)


a lot of prop traders use Sterling Trader Pro for US stocks. It is a platform designed for fast execution over many different order routes, you can set up hot keys and a myriad of routing options. It does have a charts options but it is not a research/charting platform, really designed for speed with pro traders in mind.

Esignal and Tradestation have a lot more features in terms of indicators, charts etc. so it depends what you are trying to do. On my scalping trades, where I am looking for 0.5 to 3c I use Sterling trader Pro.

Other Pro platforms are lightspeed and rediplus (the goldman sachs one). These pro platforms also integrate with grey/black boxes.
Hi ChocolateDigestive

Would you tell me that:

1) What is the price of Sterling Trader Pro that new customer need to pay ? Subcription - or Account -

2) Sterling Product Manager say that customer need a U.S Broker to handle transation. So what does it mean ?

3) How to setup the system and operation process ?
