US Options trading from the UK

Yes, Saxo Bank does.

I have tried to open an account with TD UK but they don't deal with options on the US market, you have to open an account with TD International (Luxembourg) and through Saxo bank (its partner) you are able to trade derivatives like options.

You have to fill in some forms and the minimum amount to start trading is 2000 euros.

I know it because they sent me an email but I haven't use their platform yet.

What checks do they all perform when you make an application??? i.e do they do credit checks and CRB checks? or is it just a verification on your personal details? does anyone know?
What checks do they all perform when you make an application??? i.e do they do credit checks and CRB checks? or is it just a verification on your personal details? does anyone know?

As far as I know, just your details, the passport and your current address verified by some verifying firm...what they do with the details then...:innocent:

You don't have to give your bank details until you pay money in.
TD International

I haven't heard of TD Int before. I used to trade options in the US from Australia before TD pulled the plug on non-US accounts. I also understood TD would deal with French accounts - is this still true?

I did like the TD (thinkorswim) platform and charting. I found a broker in the US that still deals with international customers and although the charting is nowhere as good or the trading platform anywhere near as simple and easy to use it is OK. For the trading I use OptionsHouse (trademonster and I'm not affiliated in any way) but I use Freestockcharts for signals etc.


Yes, Saxo Bank does.

I have tried to open an account with TD UK but they don't deal with options on the US market, you have to open an account with TD International (Luxembourg) and through Saxo bank (its partner) you are able to trade derivatives like options.

You have to fill in some forms and the minimum amount to start trading is 2000 euros.

I know it because they sent me an email but I haven't use their platform yet.

IG does not have Limit Order(s) for Index Options

Hi mate, sorry I didn't get as far as confirming my OptionXpress account as I discovered I can trade index/forex options via IG

gl with whomever you choose 👍

this morning I had a chat with IG about Index Options and was shocked for not able to place Limit order for Index Options. No option spread orders as well 🙁
Basic one leg order with ongoing monitoring will not advance you far.
this morning I had a chat with IG about Index Options and was shocked for not able to place Limit order for Index Options. No option spread orders as well 🙁
Basic one leg order with ongoing monitoring will not advance you far.

What else do you expect from a market maker?

For beginners (which is the demographic of an IG customer) who are getting their head around options for the first time I would say using ig is quite acceptable. However their spreads and volatility calculations leave a lot to be desired so best only use them on demo 😱
OptionsExpress no longer do business with UK residents... i got this message when i clicked on the link

Your optionsXpress Europe BV (“optionsXpress Europe”) account is now held by our affiliate, optionsXpress, Inc. (“optionsXpress”) as of the close of business on November 30, 2012.

optionsXpress Europe is no longer servicing customer accounts and has ceased doing business in your jurisdiction. Please refer to the client notice that was sent to you as it contains information regarding your ability to continue transacting business with optionsXpress. Beginning this month, you’ll start receiving your account statement(s) from optionsXpress. You may access your account by logging in at

If you have any questions regarding your optionsXpress account(s), please call our customer service team at +1 312 630 3300.
I traded US options for many years and after an absence want to start up again - I am finding that OptionsXpress won't let me re-fund my account- they are sending me to Charles Schwab UK.
I am looking at what the alternatives are for opening an options trading account in UK. I called Berkely Futures but they don't provide a trading platform. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Fine...i'm not a day trader ...i take positions for weeks to for me it is ok.
I tend to play the VIX options based on my view of what volatility might do.

I'm currently long August calls....volatility seems to be too cheap.

What happened to this platform? There are several positive comments about it but searching for it just opens Etrade and no mention of
What happened to this platform? There are several positive comments about it but searching for it just opens Etrade and no mention of

OptionsHouse merged with tradeMONSTER

July 25, 2016
E*TRADE Financial Corporation today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Aperture New Holdings, Inc., the ultimate parent company of OptionsHouse, for $725 million
US options trading from the UK


I have been learning more around options trading from skyviewtrading.

The platform they favour is ThinkorSwim which unfortunately is unavailable in the UK. It allows you to trade various strategies simply while working out your potential gain/loss.

Is there any other platform available in the UK that will allow you to do the above?

you should def try Tastyworks , its a great platform to trade US options and their commission are the cheapest , it is created by the guy who built ToS . they i think use citadels order routing technology so your fills are really fast and slippage minimal if that is your concern . also they have a tv network which is great for education , good client services ..