Best Thread US day traders thread.

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Here is the GOOG results play.It caught me a little off guard with the speed of the results coming out so soon after the close therefore i had to do lots of things very fast so its just a rough guide of how it played out.


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GOOG update.It carried on running to the end of post market trading.

So excluding any major pre market moves,it will now create a large gap for trading today.Which will allow many traders to put their gap and first hour trading skills to good use.

Many people reading this thread also read :

There is a new private forum run by Naz and myself and we both wish to invite virtually everyone on t2w who is interested in US shares to join.
Active contributors, people who read but don't post, newbies are ALL VERY WELCOME.
The idea is that the new forum is open to absolutely everyone who is interested apart from a very tiny number of deliberately disruptive people.

Go to Discussion
Discussion boards
Scroll down to members private boards
click on "Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way"

"In order to be able to read and post in this forum, members must request access from Naz and/or Mr. Charts, using the "Group Memberships" link which is found in the User Control Panel. Please be advised that members who disrupt the new forum can have their membership of it withdrawn at any time. "

The idea is that the new forum will be a place where we can share more of what we do, other people can positively contribute without fear of disruption and all those who simply prefer to read and not comment can do so if they choose.
It should be a useful and stimulating place where serious or interested people can read and exchange ideas in a mutually helpful and peaceful environment.

Postings should start on the forum very soon.
Come and join in - it will NOT be an elitist or exclusive place, it will be INCLUSIVE.
I'm keeping an eye on SLAB this afternoon.
It's down premarket after news, but its behaviour on open looks potentially promising.
If it trends in either direction it might present a good trade. Obviously there is no way of knowing which way it will go yet, but there should be strong feeling about it which it makes the probability of a trend much higher - trade what you see happening, not what you think ought to happen.
Just posted the first new trade on the Naz and Mr charts thread.

All sensible people interested in trading the US markets are welcome.

Mr. Charts said:
If it trends in either direction it might present a good trade.
Well that's extremely useful tip Richard.

What basis do you use to establish whether a stock is 'trending' or not?
Verno once you are a member,which i believe you now are, go down the boards until you see the Naz and Mr charts thread and just enter in the normal way.

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Mr. Charts said:
The idea is that the new forum is open to absolutely everyone who is interested apart from a very tiny number of deliberately disruptive people.
Richard, surely 'deliberately disruptive people' will have been banned by the moderators already. Or do you consider the mods aren't doing a proper job? Have you spoken to Sharky?

On the other hand - could it be these people are just 'inconvenient people' ? People who also trade and are really aware of the mechanics of trading and ask questions that, as experienced traders themselves, find some 'gaps' and 'claims' that need further explanation?

Anyway, I hope the move to sheltered accommodation serves your purpose and the posters are well behaved. I can't get there myself because I have this nasty allergy.

It's a real pity to see Naz drawn into this and actively shepherding the flock to 'safer' pastures as I have always enjoyed Alan's honesty and clarity.

Sharky: WIll this thread also being going down the 'On Application Only' route?

And if people criticise me enough - can I have my own thread too?
Hello Verno,
I mentioned in post 64 above:

Go to Discussion
Discussion boards
Scroll down to members private boards
click on "Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way"

and you should see the threads already started and you are very welcome to read and/or post, offer opinions, discuss, start new threads etc. just as you are on the public boards.

PS SLAB trended very nicely ;-)
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Thanks to everyone who has requested access so far. All the people who applied from mid afternoon onwards will go through the system tomorrow.
So far, every single person has been very welcome.
This is about having a place where people can debate and exchange ideas in peace, away from the tiny number of aggressive and rude posters.
We want people to post their views on the site, start threads, debate etc.
No-one will be removed or edited unless they become rude or aggressive to other members and a t2w moderator has oversight of that.
Debate is healthy.
Aggression is not.
As has been said, virtually every member of t2w is welcome to join.
Just doing my homework on BP Plc, it appears from the negative sentiment in the US on energy stocks and recent strong rise in their price's, that BP could also be in a "Short Squeeze".

Anyone got any advice to supplement this? I though a few people might be trading the ADR's in this forum.

There's a listing in the UK Stocks section, that was posted yesterday on the results and my analysis.
I keep getting PMs and emails asking how to access the new "private" forum.
Please look at post #64 on this thread for details, but essentially,

"In order to be able to read and post in this forum, members must request access from Naz and/or Mr. Charts, using the "Group Memberships" link which is found in the User Control Panel. Please be advised that members who disrupt the new forum can have their membership of it withdrawn at any time. "

So far every single person applying has been most welcome to join.
It is open to 99.95% of t2w members so do request access if you are interested in earning a living from trading US stocks.
Sorry to have to repeat myself yet again, but I'm still getting PMs and emails asking for access.
Please see the last post #76 for how to arrange access.
We can't give you access unless you go through the above mechanism.
Evening Traders

Evening trade perhaps...........5 min. chart
But can you sit on your hands and wait for such trades to set up?


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Sometimes you get really nice easy swing moves on stocks which most people think are hard to trade, like GOOG.
This afternoon, for example, there was a straightforward classical technical analysis move when GOOG fell an entire $2 in minutes.
I'll post details and charts over on the private forum (how to access on post #76 ) in a few minutes.
Results season is here.I always enjoy playing these moves.Intel and Yahoo are out tonight.

For those that dont know US day traders can play the market after the close when results are released.In many cases they are released in the first 20 mins after the close.Traders then react to the news which push's the stock up or down and this, along with the pre market trading the next day makes a gap on the chart.

Many then come in on the openning of the market the next day and play the gap that was created.

However playing the stock immediately results are released gets you right in there before anyone.

IBM results were released last night,here are some charts to show what happened.

Chart one,the blue arrow was the level 2 entry as early players were starting to react to the news.

Chart two, is the start of the move as the results were out on the wires.

Chart three, was the whole move during post market trading.

The best moves in the last year has been the GOOG results that have run $20 or more after they've been released.They are due out this week after the close on Thurs.



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Stocks reporting after the close tonight


Good luck.
