Upgrading - which o/s ??

eminem one other option is to take your pc box to your local independent PC repair shop (look in Yellow Pages) who will install it for you for little more than the cost of Xp pro cd.

Hope this helps.
One of my computers runs with XP Home and it has been as stable as any I have had.

Trader333 - do you trade on the computer that has XP Home on it and was it upgraded to XP Home from another OS? Thanx.
Right, I have one pc that has Win XP home which it came with and yes I use it for trading.

I have another pc that was upgraded from Win 98 to Win XP Pro (which I could use for trading as it is set up to do so as a backup) but I dont use it day in and day out. I have had no problems with either of them. I did have problems with Win 98 but since upgrading I have had none.

I think a lot of success or otherwise for upgrading depends on what you may have had on your pc to start with and the hardware. For me all works well at present and I hope that it continues that way.

Aha, thanks for that Paul. Might have swayed my decision then, get a new computer as I don't have a backup computer anyway, a new comp would come with XP Home from the ones I have looked at.
If you look around XP Pro is on a few new ones as well, depending on where you get them... Dell seem keen on it, although XP Home has certainly got the edge with people like Simply and so on.
Cheers BlueChip, I will have a look at that site. Have you used europc yourself? Good/bad experience?
The ones that I had looked at (and I was being lazy really) was the stuff from Computer World/Time. On the face of it their upgrade systems (no monitor, speakers, printers - got those anyway) seemed to be very well specced, XP2600+, 1Gb DDR ram, 160GB HDD, DVD burner, ++, etc for about £800 - maybe I am being lazy and their are better deals out there, I will have to search around a bit. Thanx for the advice anyway.
Thanks for the links guys. I read those google links about Time and know what to expect if I am desperate enough to use them. My current PC is Tiny and I had a lot of problems just trying to get them to deliver on time to the right address - nearly cancelled the order cos of the delays! 😡 They also managed to deliver it without the TV Out card (is that the right terminology? The thing that lets you watch TV via your PC) which was part of the spec I had paid for. 🙄
I did manage to find on the google thread a 43 year old woman in need of *** though 😆 NO, I haven't followed that one up!

I will keep looking I think, for a PC that is, not women in need of ***.