update virus defintion


right, i'm a little puzzled on this. when you update on norton antivirus you download the virus definition which is the information that lets norton recognise and alert you of a virus". but, on the the norton website it says, " In order to maintain the highest level of security for your computer Symantec only supports the most current versions of previously released software" but why is this? if you have a 2002 and 2005 version of norton with the same virus definition downloaded,isnt the two versions exactly the same and will do the same job? as in clean and find virus? if the answer is yes then why do you need to buy a newer version?

is this solely for making more money forcing people to buy the newer versions?

the free ones won't do a good job as the paid ones like norton. it can not detect as much viruses and fix them.
tonyjai said:
the free ones won't do a good job as the paid ones like norton. it can not detect as much viruses and fix them.

Sorry, but this is complete poppycock.

Norton is incredibly resource hungry and does no better a job than any of the free AV products - independant tests have proven it. I can find the URL somewhere if you're interested.

You are just as well off with Avast!, AVG or Anti-Vir.

In fact, I have just taken NAV suite off a customer's PC, replaced it with Avast! - and voila! Viruses found (legitimate ones, and I know what I'm talking about) that NAV missed.

Don't be misled by software marketing hype. Still, if you want to pay for something you can get for free, be my guest... 🙂
ok.....thanks for your input rossored for your quick reply. what does poppycock mean...lol.......is it like something bul****? can u provide me with the url of the independant research regarding the different virus softwares......also....you mentioned that you know what you are talking about....are you a pc technician? thanks
tonyjai said:
ok.....thanks for your input rossored for your quick reply. what does poppycock mean...lol.......is it like something bul****? can u provide me with the url of the independant research regarding the different virus softwares......also....you mentioned that you know what you are talking about....are you a pc technician? thanks

Yes poppycock does mean something like BS 🙂

Damned if I can find the URL I was now thinking about!! Oatman's suggestion is a good starting point, however. I must have it somewhere, or its here on the boards someplace. I'll keep looking...

I'm not a PC technician per se, no, but I do run a small PC repair business in my local area, and at least 40% of my business is spyware/virus related.