MyDoom Email Virus

This may have nothing to do with MYDOOM, but as it's getting the blame for everything at the moment...

Does anyone else use AVG Pro V7.0?

Are you getting the rotating AVG symbol in your status bar constantly? (Saying it's receiving/sending email).

Should I be worried?
My ADSL ISP has a front end remover.... so I don't even get them trapped by NAV. Very reassuring.
For those members who are using our email service please be aware that we've had reports that members have been receiving infected emails. So please always ensure you have a virus checker installed, and up to date with the latest virus definitions. Always delete any suspicious looking emails which have attachments and any which resemble the MyDoom virus as already described in this thread.

At the moment we have no way of identifying infected emails that come into our email service, although we do hope to install virus protection later this year.
Iv'e had about 10 infected emails over the weekend, all with an official looking microsoft logo heading, If you recieve any suspicious emails my advice is to delete immediately, Don't open attachments , I contacted microsoft who told me that they don't send out email warnings to people, so they are more than likely to be a virus, check your antivirus is up to date, and if you don't have antivirus , go to grisoft .com (AVG) where you can download for free, or of course buy a norton or other high quality product,
don't be a victim ! good luck
I should just add that if your in outlook express go to the message heading , scroll down to block sender, and click on that, it should stop any further emails from that source reaching you, its also great for blocking begging emails from Nigeria which I had the misfortune to have recieved recently too.............
I received 48 emails this morning, the vast majority of a highly dubious nature - deleted the lot!

I normally only get about 6 to 10.

Anyone else had the same?

I presume this is still connected with the same virus or do we have a new one?

I'm still getting a significant number too. Same virus. You'd think that most people will have protected themselves by now - but evidently not.
I'm getting about 8% infected but norton is picking them up nicely.
Most popular header is along the "Returned Mail" line but there are quite a fe "Hi's" too.
Thankfully, like the 40% spam that is still flying in, most of the names are improbable american combinations.
I also note a number of Australian diving sites amongst the senders. 🙄
It's nice to be notified......those Aussie Divers can really clog up a filter :cheesy: