update TAKE PROFIT !!!! to the FREE Arbitrage Consulting for your NEXT trade


Junior member
After the little “precious metal crash” from Friday it is only fair to give an up-date:

Your position taken on May 20:

May 20June 5 Gross P/L
Long Spot: @ 17,471 17,3944 < 383,- USD>
Short N20: @ 18,010 17,479 2.655,- USD
Notional Volumes: 87.355,- USD / 90.050,- USD total gross P/L: 2.272,- USD
Margin requirements900,50 USD up to 1.774,05 USD bid/ask costs: < 275,- USD>
swap/roll costs (@ 3,00% pa): < 146,- USD>
Net Profit: 1.851,- USD

Your position taken on June 3:

June 3 June 5 Gross P/L
Long Spot: @ 17,903 17,3944 < 2.543,- USD>
Short N20: @ 18,250 17,479 3.855,- USD
Notional Volumes: 89.515,- USD / 91.250,- USD
total gross P/L:​
1.312,- USD
Margin requirements912,50 USD up to 1.807,65 USD bid/ask costs: < 275,- USD>
swap/roll costs (@ 3,00% pa): < 45,- USD>
Net Profit: 992,- USD

Remaining profit to gain: 423,- USD
Accruing carry costs at current level: about 172,- USD

Additional net gain to expect: 251,- USD

Achieved gain potential for May 20 position: 88%
Achieved gain potential for June 3 position: 80%

After both positions have achieved at least 80% of their potential, I would recommend to take profits.

May 20 traders would collect 1.462,- GBP, my share 731,- GBP or “zero”, if they cancel my service. Achieving a yield on margin of at least 52% (103% in the best case) for 16 days of investment. Annual yield potentials (in case money is always active): 1116% to 2211%

June 3 traders would collect 784,- GBP (for a 2days position!), my share 392,- GBP or “zero”, if they cancel my service. Achieving a yield on margin of at least 27% (54% in the best case) for 2 days of investment. Annual yield potentials (in case money is always active): 2295% to 4590%

contract 060620b.png

carry yield 060620b.png

ARB spread 060620b.png

market 060620b.png

Too complicated? Too many numbers?

… better stop trading!