update TAKE PROFIT !!!! to the FREE Arbitrage Consulting for your NEXT trade; Gold


Junior member
What difference a day makes, actually less than 24 hours

Gold spot; bought @1785,1 per ounce sold @1770,6 per ounce loss: -14,5 per ounce
Gold Aug20: sold @ 1805,3 per ounce bought @ 1781,8 per ounce profit: 23,5 per ounce

total profit: 9,0 per ounce
total margin: 18,0 (per ounce)

NET YIELD for 1 day(!): 50%

hope everbody is capable of multiplying the per ounce result with a decent position size

that is real trading!!!
that is real winning!!!

ever heard about Medallion Fund? they make such trades

GCQ20 020720.png

Too complicated? Too many numbers?

… better stop trading!
sorry! I don't really understand your topic name. you said is Arbitrage, but I find it is not the same or I have misunderstood. 😎
sorry! I don't really understand your topic name. you said is Arbitrage, but I find it is not the same or I have misunderstood. 😎

ARBITRAGE = 2 DIFFERENT prices for the SAME asset after costs and benefits

Gold futures price =!= Gold spot price ++++++++ (financing and other cost - costs avoided + convenience of position)
Gold futures price =!= Gold spot price +++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++(basis)

basis > (financing and other cost - costs avoided + convenience of position) ===> ARBITRAGE; long spot & short futures
[basis < (financing and other cost - costs avoided + convenience of position) ===> ARBITRAGE; short spot & long futures]