Unique Technical Indicators.

Skim : you are an absolute legend, I relish every post you put on the website. I would not want to be up against you on anything, you seem to have an unnerving knack for digging up the dirt on everyone and anything!! My congrats! :cheesy:

"oh blessed guardian of our world, I bow before you in homage."

Well done

Ignorance could be Bliss.

NASD/NFA re-instated my license after finding the circumstances absurd. One cannot cannot retain any license in the US without these kind of issues being cleared up.

Charges: I failed to do a change and Address for a customer without written confirmation from the customer.. (Corporate rules). I stand on my actions.
Even employees of US government agencies are sometimes ridiculous in their assumptions of right, wrong, and rules and then recognize it.

FYI: Until last month I was licensed in the US, by the NFA and CFTC from '91 - '03. I recently resigned to trade, write and teach full time.

As to my prior comments:
Logic and cynicism are two separate thoughts, IMO
Though one would think cynicism would require some logic.
Maybe, maybe not. Apparently there are those that think not.

I took exception to that conclusion or inference from this post :
"This is the entire 101 class, taught by David Elliott. Filmed February of 2000",.." this was at the height of the bull bubble, where every stock rocketed. I'm surprised that you feel it appropriate to sell it bearing in mind today's market conditions."

Time of the year, or economic cycle has no bearing on the validity of technical analysis, as was intimated in the prior post. The season will only affect the outcome of the technical conclusion for that moment. It does not invalidate analysis. As the post concludes. If anyone should be insulted I should be.
But I am not. It is just a case of ...... logic?
Sorry if my conclusion of your logic was "insulting" Skim.. .

I will not and do not have anyone from this site in my classes.
You may continues to defend 'vendors' that do not give 100% money back guarantees ( on the spot). It's your logic, not mine.

Back to technicals:
For those interested I will try and post TSV studies on the FTSE
I find the "Flats" pattern predictive of FTSE price movement.
Current indicators suggest a down mkt on Monday the 19 of Aug.
Thanks boys, although it's actually a shame that his post and insults required that sort of response in the first place. Glasshouses and stones spring to mind.

But when he suggested that I kept on tossing I somehow felt that he was not referring to my legendary skills with a pancake and a skillet on Shrove Tuesday. :cheesy:
I got the impression that Mr Elliott was referring to tossing as in throwing, i.e. rocks.
Didn't think folks from the US used the word with the same connotations as us, (well I mean other people who might be inclined to use such a word).
I do not think Mr Elliott was being disgusting, just ordinary insulting.

Kind regards

Great thread. Are we all done now? It's a pity that ppl who just want a free punt of their services don't take the time to read this BB to see what we're about . Perhaps they'd then bugger off somewhere else .... Put up or shut up I say.
A teacher is someone who i thought was a person of a caring nature who would take time to explain things to a set standard. This person would have to be patient, well versed in their chosen subject and have an open mind to respect the views of others in the same field. For $5000 I would like lunch thrown in too and not as reactor said to be told to stand next to the teacher while the tape measure is put to use.

A teacher is someone you should want to aspire to be like, who motivates you to achieve more than you think you are capable off
I find the "Flats" pattern predictive of FTSE price movement.
Current indicators suggest a down mkt on Monday the 19 of Aug.

Well, the FTSE closed up 31.60. Do you use a stop loss or do you just wait for it to fall below your entry price? Or is there the possibility that this one went wrong?

Or as it is Monday the 18th of August and not the 19th as in your post do we have to wait until the next Monday 19th August, I make it in 2013, for your prediction.

Just trying to be logical 😀
Hello Dave (Davelong,)

Yes, I must say I too raised my eyebrows at the "tossing" reference from Mr. Elliott, directed albeit innocently I'm sure, at the board's beloved Matriarch, Skim. I followed the ensuing volley of attack and defence with interest.

Whilst reading the posts I smiled, for I couldn't help but recall the day when, as a head teacher, I received a Christmas card from one of the five year old lads who slid it under my study door. It was addressed in huge letters simply to: TOSIR! He hadn't realised, quite naturally at his age, that his omission of the gap between To & Sir was hardly conducive to harmonious student-teacher relations!!

Well, there you have it; my technical contribution as ever to the proceedings! I'm now off to the local via a walk along the beach (as I am fortunate to live on the coast.) However, do tell me so that I may differentiate, how shall I recognise an Elliott Wave from the others which crash upon the shore? And, please, no stochastic comments!!

p.s. First Wave, how did you manage to acquire four votes in four days?
For a head teacher, I'm simply stunned that you don't know.... The answer of course 4 divided by four which equals one a day. I'm glad my grandson doesn't go to your school, Sir. :cheesy:
This really is a thread of the utmost utility.

I knew one can toss, inter alia, a pancake, a salad, a caber, an er, a pot and a coin.

Didn't kow one could toss a Skim or a contributor to a thread or is it the conributor who is the t*ss*r?

One learns something every day if one remains alert.

PS, what is a 'lert'?

PPS, what on earth connection has this garbage with serious stock trading?
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Garbage .. steady on, Oldun; contributors might just be relaxing making some light-hearted comments (and deary me, if doesn't happen to suit your taste). You're not being force fed this thread, you know.
Ooops, no ofence meant fudgestain but this is a high quality site which ought not be spoiled with posts from those simlpy seeking to push (for free) their wares on anyone they can find willing to listen and / or part with cash.

If ANY of them are prepared to show a provable record of their trading success (such as 3 years brokerage accounts) they will be worth listening to. Otherwise, ignore them and treat them with the caution they deserve.

Good to hear from you again. I'm back from my walk. Not an Elliott wave in sight. Not even Mars, which has been so prominent these last few days above the southern horizon. I will, as promised, PM you in due course concerning the matter on which we were last in discussion.

Temporary relief from the intensity of trading talk.

Tossing the Caber? I saw it once at the Highland Games when I was young and impressionable! A frightful site for which I'm still receiving counselling. However, I understand that these guys are in great demand from BT for the installation of telegraph poles along the road to the Isles. Telegraph poles? Were they not communications experts in Warsaw during the last war?

I will now retire from the thread and let the traders get back to slogging it out with Mr. Elliott.

Best wishes,

Chartman, Good to hear from you. I hope you're well. Never make the mistake of believing that head teachers know more than their fellow man! Those of us who have moved on from the chalkface are increasingly aware at how much we don't know! I wonder whether Elliott Waves will be added to the contemporary A level maths curriculum? On the basis, however, that it will require the ability to add up to five.......eh..

Best wishes,

Good wishes,
CM how do you wantyou money?? cheque or postal order?

...and i will be expecting a least a tossed salad