Understanding the Order Book


Active member
Anyone know of any decent articles that explains how traders use the order book in trading? The basics generally..
it's kind of simple, you watch the market makers until you start to recognize their patterns then you can predict what they are going to do before they do it.
There's enough good posts on here if you search properly. I think one was called bundboblschatz thread or something. Check out elite trader forums as well.
So you see size there... Is it spoof? If so work out if it's an attempt to get a fill to enter or to exit. If it's not a spoof think about which way the market would be going were it not for the order. If towards it then size attracts size. If not then front run them!

I think that will give you ninety per cent of what you need to know and maybe twenty per cent of what you can make from it 😉
used for short-term trading to save a few extra ticks and trade ahead of the chart-watching crowd.

well learn about the order system of the market you plan to trade.

You can learn ABOUT the Dom, but not how to trade with it.
no one will be able to teach you how to trade with the DOM.

besides, its different for each market. So if someone could throw you some useful tips they might not even apply to what your trading.

From my experience trading a very thin market - Hang Seng - this is what I would suggest:

just watch it all day and click click click away until you figure it out (this is not a conscious skill, it is something you internalize and therefore cannot always describe it).

like Arab said, look for spoofs and other key changes in the book and try notice how the market reacts (the stuff hitting).

What happens when a 104 lot appears on the bid, 3 levels down, why does it always appear when we are nearing the opening pivot? on what days and under what circumstances do we usually brake? how fast is the DOM moving, what kind of patterns are happening on it?

When we are consolidating what is happening before a breakout? try record your market and review every key turning point on the DOM after-hours etc.

When the offers are being eaten quickly and yet price remains in a similar area before topping - what kind of speed and "rythm" does the DOM have? ...

hope that helps.
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cheers once again fellas, I should add that I'm on a Market Profile buzz of late, and trying to refine my entry and exits by getting a better understanding of the DOM...
If I'm right about this, price will seek out where the volume's at, large orders sitting on the ladder 'should' act like a magnet of sorts? If so spoofing could be a pain in the balls... but isn't that more typical more of stir and bond futures?
Is it harder to discover patterns in the DOM on very liquid markets like eurodollars for e.g. as opposed to something thin like Lumber futures? I wouldn't trade lumber short term for the record...

DC I just found the thread you were talking about... looks cool.. for anyone else thats interested: