Understanding spread prices


Seems a ridiculous question but have to ask. I'm having trouble understanding the way prices are displayed both on betting platforms and software such as Sharescope.
For example Google displays 565.95 and BT 391.98 so same decimal point placing but Google is $565+ and BT just £3.91 so a vast difference in risk, I would expect the decimal point to be 2 places to the left for BT.
On IG google is 56566 while BT is 391.61.
So what exactly constitutes a 1 point move? and if looking to place a stop on lets say the google price at 56566 the 20 day low is at 50338 that's 6228 points away - that can't be right. Now putting aside the fact that I wouldn't bet a stock like Google ( I know it's too rich to start) those figures seem way off the mark to me. What am I getting wrong here.

Be gentle.
If you see 56566 and 50338 then this is the developers error or they display price in cents (not dollars). You should divide it by 100 - place mental decimal after two last digits.

Why the do it -I do not know, possible explanation is that an integer (whole number) take less space to store in data base when comparing to a decimal number. Most of the companies store stock market data as whole numbers (save them a lot of space and increase speed in processing) and when data are displayed to an end user the data just divided by 100. Your guys do not do it and it is st...

Try some other providers, it is strange to work with such numbers.
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