Understanding HOW stocks trend

let's be careful out there...

Lots of Guru's, lot's of snake oil salesmen.....
I've been watching your vids which are very informative. But what's the deal with commenting on Warrior Trading? Why are they even on your radar? You may well have a valid point, but they are probably one of many so called 'gurus'. As an impartial observer, I'm left wondering why you would even bother to comment on what they are specifically doing? Surely best to focus on your trading? I'm not being confrontational, just posting my thoughts (as a new guy to trading).

People who make calls as poorly as he does and charge for education need to be called out... My give a $hit meter is very low for that. Think of me as the Citron Research and his company is an easy short 😉 My focus during the day is all about trading, afterwards is where I can grab my popcorn and watch the train wreck for a bit before I call it a day at the office.