Uncle Mike's Trading Journal


Good Morning Traders! I will post my trading journal for the Month of March and I will gear it towards those traders trading 1 Contract Size. It is difficult to trade with one contract but can be done with discipline and consistancy. I will share my thoughts on the 1 contract size as well as trading 3 contracts. I will be updaing daily starting on March 1st I will post an update and video this evening.

Yours in Trading

Uncle Mike


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What happened to UncleMike? too many losses?


No not too many losses, it is funny how there are people who are just negative, they can not trade and just scour throught he posts to post negative comments, guess that is how they get their kicks, they probably get too many losses, are angry at this and then go take out their frustration, too bad really.
No not too many losses, it is funny how there are people who are just negative, they can not trade and just scour throught he posts to post negative comments, guess that is how they get their kicks, they probably get too many losses, are angry at this and then go take out their frustration, too bad really.

Well you were going to post your journal and share your thoughts then you disappeared before before doing any of that. Funny how you sniffed out the criticism so fast and suddenly reappear. I wasn't being negative, just asking a simple question, and like a politician, you avoided answering it. So...What happened to UncleMike?

Well you were going to post your journal and share your thoughts then you disappeared before before doing any of that. Funny how you sniffed out the criticism so fast and suddenly reappear. I wasn't being negative, just asking a simple question, and like a politician, you avoided answering it. So...What happened to UncleMike?


i have been posting to my blog and forgeting to post here, sorry that is my bad for starting and then not posting, will update
i have been posting to my blog and forgeting to post here, sorry that is my bad for starting and then not posting, will update

OK, no problem. I'm still interested.

Wasn't that was a lot easier to type than taking a hack at me?
