As always lots of interesting links and valid points we don't hear about in our daily trash or biased BBC reporting.
This particular link is very much on the nail, especially for Germany. I was listening to a report about Germany and all the challenges it is recently facing. One was from her industry where energy costs have increased 6 fold, because it now doesn't have cheap gas from Russia anymore.
Instead it is now having to import fossil fuels to meet energy needs. Not only that there is bigger investment and diversion of budgets into renewables as a way of gaining independence, industry is purchasing more expensive LPG from the US.
So Germany and the wider EU suffer, along with Ukraine, whilst the US gains at the expense of all these other countries.
It is utter madness but such is the state of our affairs with our corrupt leaders in the pockets of big vested interests.
Gas and Electricity prices in the UK still way to high with people in debt. That's thanks to UK leaving the EU and the Ukraine war.
Top it off, UK and US have paid literally BILLIONS into financing Ukraine, whilst scrimping on investment in our domestic industry and social services such as the police, schools, NHS and prisons.
I know what lets talk about 80K illegal migrants, blaming them for our issues. Crazy...