Ukraine invasion

The coming collapse of Britain by Alex Krainer

Everything points […] to a horrific cliff-edge looming […] an avalanche of debts, defaults, evictions and unpaid bills to follow.

". . . A series of bizarre developments that have unfolded in Great Britain over the last few weeks suggest that its financial system came to the verge of collapse, probably as a consequence of Ukraine’s debt default. The last thing the people in power will tell us is the truth, but if we dig in dark places and connect the dots, I believe the conclusion practically makes itself. The consequences for Britain, and probably for “his majesty’s” other dominions will be extreme. . ."

Moscow has identified thousands of Ukraine’s mercenaries

CIA admits to ‘conversations’ over Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk Region

USA tries to 'explain' the loss of F-16 jet in Ukraine
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A non-partisan research post - London

Will Mongolia ARREST Putin? Ukraine urges ICC-member to detain Kremlin 'war criminal' on visit next week - as gloating Moscow says it has 'no worries​


Nord Stream sabotage: How Western media outlets do their governments’ dirty work

Top German left-wing MP attacked (VIDEO)

China's take over of Russia is well under way. Vassal status awaits, as predicted very early on in the thread. Did Tim and Att listen ? Of course not, cos they know everything 🤣🤣🤣

China's take over of Russia is well under way. Vassal status awaits, as predicted very early on in the thread. Did Tim and Att listen ? Of course not, cos they know everything 🤣🤣🤣

Only you - and you alone - could deduce that: "China's take over of Russia is well under way. Vassal status awaits" from that article. As for your predictions: they've all been consistently wrong and, doubtless, will continue to be. As always, if you want to put your money where your mouth is - my offer of a wager remains open.

In this brilliant AI mash up based on The Wizard of Oz, Sir Keir Starmer tells Angela Rainer just how good life would be if he only had a brain. When it comes to Putin and Russia, the sentiment applies equally well to you!
If c_v only had a brain.
A non-partisan research post - London

Ukraine reports over 4,000 cases of Russian chemical weapon use on front line​

‘Silent killer’: Russia boosts grinding Donbas advance with chemical warfare​

Ukrainian soldiers are often unprepared and unequipped to counter Russia’s surging use of chemical agents.

The coming collapse of Britain by Alex Krainer

Everything points […] to a horrific cliff-edge looming […] an avalanche of debts, defaults, evictions and unpaid bills to follow.

". . . A series of bizarre developments that have unfolded in Great Britain over the last few weeks suggest that its financial system came to the verge of collapse, probably as a consequence of Ukraine’s debt default. The last thing the people in power will tell us is the truth, but if we dig in dark places and connect the dots, I believe the conclusion practically makes itself. The consequences for Britain, and probably for “his majesty’s” other dominions will be extreme. . ."
Thorough and detailed: the kind of FREE research worthy of attentions - all the way from Davy Jones's locker, 'the' titanic DIYer & Mosaicist 😀
Listen, put away e'm degrees and PhDs. An' barrow boys with degrees - #off - know thyself, know thy place !
When the Mosaicist utters, great institutions an' halls of learning, pause, ponder and reflect. The oracle has spoken !

Closer to reality - one exceptional, deserves just reward

Lessons from the Cuban Missile Crisis: Putin is no Khrushchev​

Screenshot from 2024-08-31 13-33-44.png
Screenshot from 2024-08-31 13-35-20.png


The Lessons of the Cuban Missile Crisis Are Actually Pretty Useless Right Now​

The possibility of nuclear war over Ukraine has everyone talking about 1962—but today’s conflict has little in common with the famous U.S.-Soviet standoff.​

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US not sending contractors to service Ukrainian F-16s


NATO and Ukraine held top-secret Dresden meeting

Switzerland urged to rethink its 500-year neutrality

Ukraine wants to use Storm Shadow missiles to strike Moscow and Sochi
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Ukraine wants to use Storm Shadow missiles to strike Moscow and Sochi
See more at
A non-partisan research post - London
Informative re storm shadow missile
They want to unloose-untie-take off the cuffs from the hand tied behind their backs and engage in fair and square, both hands to both hands, combat. Why, the dirty cowards !
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A non-partisan research post - London
Screenshot from 2024-09-02 08-58-39.png

Sounds like the pedo* is singing for it's supper !

* When Emily told Ritter, "No, I'm 15," Ritter said, "Aha, my bad. I didn't know you were 15." Ritter, who testified to not really believing Emily was 15, then continued talking to her and later sent her webcam images of himself masturbating.

Thing about predo's - they are as thick as thieves amongst themselves - birds of a certain feather, flocked together..
mmmm, oh yeah ! A little side action for the brothers in arms - all part of the noble cause of virtuous men.
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A non-partisan research post - London

The German election bombshell that will terrify Brussels: Victory for AfD and hard-left BSW with both parties voicing anti-EU, anti-immigration and anti-Ukraine policies - but rivals vow to stop AfD taking power​

  • Far-right AfD stormed to victory with 32.8% of the vote in the state of Thuringia
  • AfD came close second in Saxony with radical left BSW scoring huge gains

The German establishment is desperately clinging to power in the face of democracy

IAEA lacks facts to name perpetrators of attacks on Kursk nuke plant — Grossi

A non-partisan research post - London

Mother's horror as daughter, 14, is 'decapitated' by Putin missile shrapnel near playground... as Russia launches new airstrikes on the day Ukrainian children return to school​


Ukrainian anthem found in US voter database code – Politico

use of open-source code, software which had been misconfigured to connect to servers outside the country, and the lyrics to the Ukrainian national anthem.


The probe unearthed some unwelcome surprises: software misconfigured to connect to servers in Russia and the use of open-source code — which is freely available online — overseen by a Russian computer engineer convicted of manslaughter, according to a person familiar with the examination and granted anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about it.
I'm sure it was a simple oversight why they left out that part.😉
A non-partisan research post - London

Moment Ukraine uses terrifying flesh-melting 'flamethrower drone' to set Russian defences on fire with 2,400C incendiaries in bid to flush Putin's soldiers out of their treeline where they were hiding​


Ukraine’s crackdown on Russian culture is ‘absurd’ – British ballet star

Russia strikes Azov* base disguised as shopping center in Kharkiv
See more at

"Neither Russia nor Ukraine are signatories to the Rome Statute, the 1998 agreement that established the court. Ukraine’s parliament ratified the statute last month, but included a clause stating that it would not recognize the court’s jurisdiction over cases involving Ukrainian nationals." 🤣

Ukraine threatens Mongolia over Putin visit
