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Doh, silly me, of course you know that - why else would you have bottled out of our wager!. . . It's all over bar the shouting c_v - even you must be able to see that!?
Doh, silly me, of course you know that - why else would you have bottled out of our wager!. . . It's all over bar the shouting c_v - even you must be able to see that!?
It's okay for Russia to expand, though.😉What' going on in the background:
Russia Sends Demarche to US Over Extension of Continental Shelf
Russia has sent a demarche to the United States over its decision to unilaterally extend its continental shelf, the Foreign Ministry said on Monday.sputnikglobe.com
Putin's war has just started. It's inside Russia in case you hadn't noticed. Ukraine doesn't need to do anything more than hold the line, whilst carrying out raids and air strikes across the border. As the chaos ensues, we will see that Putin's home forces will be seen to be as useless as his overseas fighting forces.Leaving the terrorist attack on the music venue aside (which can happen anywhere and isn't at all relevant to the conflict), everything's going swimmingly for Putin. He's won the war, Ukraine is disintegrating and the west hasn't got a clue what to do about it. As I've said countless times on here, Ukraine can't possibly win without direct NATO involvement which would almost certainly trigger a nuclear conflict. Fortunately, no one - other than possibly Macron - is quite that insane. It's all over bar the shouting c_v - even you must be able to see that!?
Doh, silly me, of course you know that - why else would you have bottled out of our wager!
c_v,Being the thoughtful kind generous soul that I am. I gave it careful consideration and came to the conclusion that you couldn't afford it. 🙂
Putin's war has just started. It's inside Russia in case you hadn't noticed. Ukraine doesn't need to do anything more than hold the line, whilst carrying out raids and air strikes across the border. As the chaos ensues, we will see that Putin's home forces will be seen to be as useless as his overseas fighting forces.
Anyway, it all takes time to reach a critical unstoppable mass, so stay tuned.
Al-Qaida was a US CIA creation with Sauidi Arabs as main actors.
ISIS is just another US CIA creation, a private army of tools for conducting its dirty business in killing and destabilising independent countries that do not tow the US national interest and for perpertuating Islamic terror as a way of justifying billions spent on military. Remember in the past it was communisim and geurillas and socialists etc.
Bear in mind ISIS roamed all over Iraq to the point of going into national banks and stealing the gold bullion from vaults - all under the protection and noses of the US military who were supposed to be protecting and trainig Iraqi forces, who were no where to be found to provide any resistance (true story of course was that they were orchestrated not to).
So called ISIS independent cells also run amok in Syria trying to establish an Islamic state.
All this tosh is still part of the Axis of Evil BS the neo-cons have been pursuing to gain control of all ME oil - essentially fields in Iraq and Iran. However, to get oil and gas to the Mediterranean to supply the West they need Syria restructured too, in the interest of the West.
Effectively, Mujahadeen aka Al-Qaida aka ISIS are all CIA creations and instruments to achieving US national interest. Merchants of death and destructions in destabilising other countries leading to wars and death of innocent civilians on all sides, whilst select groups and companies reap billions in weapons, security and defence spending.
It really is a sick mind set and ideology. It is all cloaked behind superficial news and MSM manipulation of your average Joe into thinking somehow the West are the good guys and others outside are bad.
However, the wind is changing and the Western countries are losing their grip gradually such that some balance in wealth and distribution of resources is occuring. Hence, we see the rise of Latin American, African and Asian nations and increasing struggles of the Western economies.
ISIS is an umbrella organisation for any hired mercenary to conduct operations in the interest of Western nations paying the price.
One has to ask the question if ISIS were trully interested in establishing some state, why attack some theatre in Moscow? Why not fight for a state in the ME alongside other muslims? Because, the US and money controls them. The ISIS handlers are Western interests. ISIS has no structure, head or mission. They are simply Western created and controlled terror cells in the guise of Islamic Terror.
So much BS. The BBC suck big time along with MSM, all under the control of intelligence agencies manipulating public opinion.
You don't half talk a lot or rubbish CV.
Putin has been in charge since 1999 and you say his war has just started? What war is this that's just started? Can you be a little bit clear so we all see.
Ukraine doesn't need to do anything more? What else can Ukraine do? If Russia steps up attacks on Ukraine infrastructure taking out water electricity and transport and communication networks, what can Ukraine do to fight back? Most Ukrainians probably talking about getting rid of Zelensky but wondering how?
You come out with statements which have no bearing on fact or reality.
c_v,He wont be in charge for much longer.
No, I haven't. What I have noticed is western propaganda that continually pushes the false notion at every opportunity about all these alleged groups to bolster Russiaphobia in people who are too lazy or too thick to do their own research to discover what's really happening inside Russia. It's mainly just Navalny who, surprise surprise, was the CIA's inside man. Yep - he was bought and paid for by the U.S. Who knew? (Well, not you, obviously!)Have you noticed just how many aggrieved groups have started challenging his so called authority.
Laughable.Putin firmly on the back foot now, fighting for survival. It will just get worse and worse.
Russia made every attempt to "come in from the cold" and even applied to join NATO. The west rejected its application because that would have made NATO's very existence pointless. And then Russia - under Putin's leadership - started to get stronger, much stronger - and it became obvious to the the U.S. that it would never be a lapdog like the rest of Europe. So, they expanded NATO, bolstered anti Russian sentiment and fomented the conditions for this war, thinking that they could use Ukraine to take down Russia and get their hands on its immense natural resources. But their arrogance and hubris is proving to be their downfall: the whole plan has gone disastrously wrong and Russia has emerged stronger and more powerful than ever. And when Ukraine falls - which it surely will before the year end - and the rest of the world observes how Russia has pretty much single-handedly defeated not only Ukraine, but also the entire NATO alliance and the U.S. - who do you think they'll want to align themselves with? It's a no-brainer question c_v - even you can work this one out! 😛To think that 30 yrs ago, Russia could have come in from the cold, but instead, Putin came to the rescue. 🤣🤣
He'll be in charge for another term which is plenty of time for him to bring in fresh blood so that when he steps aside at the next election in six years time (due to his age), there won't be a vacuum as has happened when previous leaders left office. He's just won the biggest election success imaginable, with an approval rating from the Russian electorate that western leaders can only fantasise about. Like it or not, he's incredibly popular with most Russians. And don't give me that guff about Russian elections being rigged - they're no more rigged than U.S. elections. After all, the Russian people weren't frog marched to the polling stations and made to vote for Putin - they could easily have stayed away if they didn't want to vote for him.
No, I haven't. What I have noticed is western propaganda that continually pushes the false notion at every opportunity about all these alleged groups to bolster Russiaphobia in people who are too lazy or too thick to do their own research to discover what's really happening inside Russia. It's mainly just Navalny who, surprise surprise, was the CIA's inside man. Yep - he was bought and paid for by the U.S. Who knew? (Well, not you, obviously!)
As always, you make these ridiculous comments and don't support them with a shred of evidence because, of course, you haven't got any. In fact, the reverse is true, Putin is as secure in his post as he's ever been, riding high on a wave of popularity. And the simple reason for that is that the average Russian citizen is waaaaaaay better off today than they were before he came to power.
Russia made every attempt to "come in from the cold" and even applied to join NATO. The west rejected its application because that would have made NATO's very existence pointless. And then Russia - under Putin's leadership - started to get stronger, much stronger - and it became obvious to the the U.S. that it would never be a lapdog like the rest of Europe. So, they expanded NATO, bolstered anti Russian sentiment and fomented the conditions for this war, thinking that they could use Ukraine to take down Russia and get their hands on its immense natural resources. But their arrogance and hubris is proving to be their downfall: the whole plan has gone disastrously wrong and Russia has emerged stronger and more powerful than ever. And when Ukraine falls - which it surely will before the year end - and the rest of the world observes how Russia has pretty much single-handedly defeated not only Ukraine, but also the entire NATO alliance and the U.S. - who do you think they'll want to align themselves with? It's a no-brainer question c_v - even you can work this one out! 😛
I say again c_V, stop spouting your nonsense or put your money where your mouth is and re-instate our bet. You can't have it both ways by keep churning out the same rubbish you clearly don't believe in whilst declining to take the bet. Either admit you've got it wrong and decline the bet or, if you insist on spewing out the false mainstream narrative - take the bet. One or the other - which is it to be?
Whatever you call it the attack on a public concert is an act of terrorism much like that of Hamas.
Duplicity of Western nations is clear enough for all to see.
Very sad. 🙁