Ukraine invasion

Valery Zaluzhny is now officially unemployed
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A non-partisan research post - London
Ukraine's 'Iron General' army chief is axed and replaced by ground forces commander after Zelensky admitted war had reached 'stalemate'
  • General Valery Zaluzhny had led Kyiv's forces throughout Russia's invasion
A non-partisan research post - London
Republican senators join Democrats to advance $95 BILLION Ukraine and Israel aid bill WITHOUT border provisions amid backstabbing and turmoil among GOP ranks
  • The updated $95 billion supplemental bill without the border provisions captured the necessary 60 votes needed to move it forward
  • It came after Republicans tanked a bipartisan $118 billion bipartisan deal to beef up border security while funding Ukraine and Israel earlier this week
A non-partisan research post - London
Joe Biden's own justice department says he is an 'elderly man with a poor memory': Damning probe reveals President FORGOT when his son Beau died and when he was vice president - and left top-secret Afghanistan files next to a dog bed in his garage
A non-partisan research post - London
The Russian tank attack failed because of this sneaky weapon


Valery Zaluzhny is now officially unemployed
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Zelensky is a tyrant to Ukraine and a finger puppet to US and the weapons industries.

We all suffer, Europe and UK with disruption to all well-being in our living standards.

Worst part of it all is the deaths on both the Ukraine and Russian side, young people dying, homes being ruined and families broken up.

It is now inescapable that the US instigated the bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline where Russia was supplying cheap gas to Germany and Europe. Replacing that supply was the US who started supplying LNG gas to Europe at higher prices.

Moreover, Ukraine is still piping Russian gas to Europe apparently and being paid for it.

The duplicity of the West is just off the Richter scale. Populations hard-up suffering, whilst billions are spent on warfare and deaths, enriching a few defense companies.

A non-partisan research post - London
Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

Kremlin All But Admits Tucker Carlson Is a Useful Idiot

  • A spokesperson for the Russian government clarified that it has rejected requests to interview Vladimir Putin from reputable media outlets
  • Putin’s refusal to sit down with most Western media outlets likely has less to do with accusations of bias so much as an unwillingness to be subjected to legitimate scrutiny of his government.
  • Critical coverage of Putin has often resulted in the unlawful detainment — or even the deaths —- of Russian and American journalists

How Russia’s Press Freedom has Deteriorated Over the Decades Since Putin Came to Power​

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I was listening to LBC and Radio4 news stations as they were talking about the Putin interview. The number of so called snotty experts including MI6 who state that Russia has expansionary policies is unbelievable.

If one looks at the last 30 years of wars around the globe it has US, UK and the West all over it. Invading small countries with raw materials.

They say NATO is a defensive alliance, whilst expanding to the borders of Russia.

Then claim Russia is planning on invading other countries like Poland.

These dumb stupid ducks surely must be off their medication peddling BS lies? So sick of it all. Let's not forget what the allies did to Iraq with their slam dunk intel on WMD.

Tucker Carlson denies reports about his interviews with Snowden and Reade in Russia
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A non-partisan research post - London
  • Russia repeatedly lied in this and other multilateral fora over the true purpose of its extraordinary military build-up on Ukraine’s borders and in illegally annexed Crimea.
  • Russia not only ignored its commitments under the Vienna Document, but weaponised this Confidence and Security Building measure to support its disinformation campaign.
  • Russia rejected calls for dialogue and de-escalation and instead pursued a path of confrontation.
  • Russia said there would be no war.
  • Russia said it had no intentions of invading Ukraine.
  • Russia conducted an unprovoked, premeditated and barbaric attack against a sovereign democratic State to conquer it by force.
A non-partisan research post - London
  • Tucker Carlson's Vladimir Putin stunt was like interviewing Hitler without asking about the concentration camps.
  • It confirmed the Russian President is mad, bad and dangerous... and his interlocutor is a fool
At home most of our services are crying out for money as most are cut to the bone. Local Authorities are effectively bankrupted by Central Government not keeping funding in-line with inflation. Not recently but this has been going on for some time. At the same time they find billions to fight futile wars.

Where does all this money go? It goes to industries producing weapons which has about as much productivity as sh!t flushed down the toilet. However, ones shit doesn't destroy homes or kill people.

I'm surprised our Joe public puts up with all these lies and just continues paying tax to central government pigs who having thaken their slice slosh it out to corrupt war mongering puppets.

Criminal brainless insanity. :mad:
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A non-partisan research post - London

Tucker Carlson Interviews Putin [Full Summary]​

‘Kindergarten politics!’ | Vladimir Putin spouted ‘extraordinary lies’ in Tucker Carlson interview​

Putin's Tucker Carlson interview ‘strong PROPAGANDA’ for Russia to manipulate the US​

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson CODDLES Vladimir Putin In Interview​

Decoding Putin's Interview with Tucker Carlson: Expert Analysis​

A non-partisan research post - London

Putin’s top 3 lies: from Ukraine to the Second World War | Defence in Depth​
