Ukraine invasion

A non-partisan research post - London
Analysis factors to keep in mind
The true geographical size of Countries.

Mercator projection

The Mercator projection (/mərˈkeɪtər/) is a cylindrical map projection presented by Flemish geographer and cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569. It became the standard map projection for navigation because it is unique in representing north as up and south as down everywhere while preserving local directions and shapes. The map is thereby conformal. As a side effect, the Mercator projection inflates the size of objects away from the equator. This inflation is very small near the equator but accelerates with increasing latitude to become infinite at the poles. As a result, landmasses such as Greenland, Antarctica, Canada and Russia appear far larger than they actually are relative to landmasses near the equator, such as Central Africa.


Example images
There are many ways to get across the point of distortion in the Mercator map and other equirectangular variants.

True size comparison - dragged and lined along the Equator: Greenland, UK, US, India, Ukraine, Russia, China, Antarctica
The True Size - 03.jpg

Interactive Map - THE TRUE SIZE OF..... >>
  • Drag and drop countries around the map to compare their relative size.
  • Is Greenland really as big as all of Africa? You may be surprised at what you find!
    The True Size.jpg
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A non-partisan research post - London
Horrors of Putin's torturers revealed in new report: Female Ukrainian soldier was raped for three days straight and a prisoner due for execution after begging for death was told he had not 'seen all seven circles of hell yet'
  • Dignity reported the fates suffered by Ukrainians held prisoner by Putin's troops
  • Over 700 instances of torture and human rights violations were documented
A non-partisan research post - London
British Storm Shadow missiles 'go into action': Russian separatists in Ukraine say they have been hit by first of the deadly 600mph cruise weapons given to Zelensky by UK
  • The alleged Storm Shadow strikes hit the Russian-occupied eastern territories
  • This would be the first time Ukraine's military have used the UK's cruise missiles
On the run: Putin's forces flee Bakhmut 'in bad order' and thousands of Russian civilians are ordered to evacuate Ukraine as Ministry of Defence says Russia is suffering 'severe shortage of credible combat units'
Missiles pound targets deep inside Russian-occupied Ukraine - days after UK supplied new long-range munitions - as Kyiv's forces retake territory near Bakhmut and panicked Wagner chief says Putin's terrified conscripts are 'fleeing, not regrouping'
  • Yevgeny Prigozhin said Kyiv's troops successfully attacked Russian positions
  • Russia's defence ministry denied the claims in a clipped statement this morning
A non-partisan research post - London
Update from Ukraine | Ukraine pushes Wagner in Bakhmut | Prygozhyn is Panicking
A non-partisan research post - London
Wagner boss Prigozhin accuses Russia of abandoning key positions near Bakhmut
A non-partisan research post - London
Furious Wagner chief says he's been ordered to stay in Bakhmut or be branded a traitor
A non-partisan research post - London
Putin's mangled war machines: How Ukraine is decimating Russia's armoured vehicles, navy and aerial support
  • Even conservative estimates suggest Russia has lost as many as 10,000 pieces of military hardware in Ukraine
  • Analysts point to failure of Moscow's tactics and Ukraine 'outclassing' Kremlin's troops on the battlefield
I really wonder why you quote these speculative lies from this poor clickbait again and again without verificati
Oftentimes the trigger catalyst is something else. Having a spot of trouble there, are we ? :D
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A non-partisan research post - London
Apparently............ due to food shortage............UK restaurants are serving squirrel. :ROFLMAO:
Heads of the Hydra: The top Russian propagandists hand-picked by Vladimir Putin to indoctrinate his people and drum up support for his brutal war in Ukraine
  • Putin and the Kremlin rule over the media landscape in Russia with an iron fist
  • The despot has a team of hand-picked propagandists to indoctrinate the nation
  • MailOnline takes a look at the leading figures in Putin's propaganda drive
A non-partisan research post - London
Ukrainian city of Khmelnytskyi rocked by huge explosion after Russia sends 21 drones to army missile silo causing enormous fireball which 'injured 30 people'
  • Reports said only two of the victims were hospitalized of the 'nearly 30' injured

Kremlin admits Wagner mercenary boss is at risk of assassination
And, just like that, he's out of the running for Mercenary of the Year.:)

Wagner chief offered to give Russian troop locations to Ukraine, leak says​

THE DISCORD LEAKS | Yevgeniy Prigozhin said he would tell Ukraine’s military where to attack Russian troops if they pulled their own forces back from the beleaguered city of Bakhmut, where Wagner mercenaries were taking heavy losses​

By Shane Harris
Isabelle Khurshudyan
May 14, 2023 at 7:23 p.m. EDT
In a Friday video statement, head of Wagner Group head Yevgeniy Prigozhin mocked the Russian Defense Ministry's report claiming that its forces regrouped to take more favorable positions, saying they effectively fled and “our flanks are crumbling.” (Prigozhin Press Service via AP) (AP)

5 min

Gift Article

In late January, with his mercenary forces dying by the thousands in a fight for the ruined city of Bakhmut, Wagner Group owner Yevgeniy Prigozhin made Ukraine an extraordinary offer.
Prigozhin said that if Ukraine’s commanders withdrew their soldiers from the area around Bakhmut, he would give Kyiv information on Russian troop positions, which Ukraine could use to attack them. Prigozhin conveyed the proposal to his contacts in Ukraine’s military intelligence directorate, with whom he has maintained secret communications during the course of the war, according to previously unreported U.S. intelligence documents leaked on the group-chat platform Discord.

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Prigozhin has publicly feuded with Russian military commanders, who he furiously claims have failed to equip and resupply his forces, which have provided vital support to Moscow’s war effort. But he is also an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who might well regard Prigozhin’s offer to trade the lives of Wagner fighters for Russian soldiers as a treasonous betrayal.

The leaked document does not make clear which Russian troop positions Prigozhin offered to disclose.
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The Discord Leaks​

Dozens of highly classified documents have been leaked online, revealing sensitive information intended for senior military and intelligence leaders. In an exclusive investigation, The Post also reviewed scores of additional secret documents, most of which have not been made public.
Who leaked the documents? Jack Teixeira, a young member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard, was charged in the investigation into leaks of hundreds of pages of classified military intelligence. The Post reported that the individual who leaked the information shared documents with a small circle of online friends on the Discord chat platform.
What do the leaked documents reveal about Ukraine? The documents reveal profound concerns about the war’s trajectory and Kyiv’s capacity to wage a successful offensive against Russian forces. According to a Defense Intelligence Agency assessment among the leaked documents, “Negotiations to end the conflict are unlikely during 2023.”
What else do they show? The files include summaries of human intelligence on high-level conversations between world leaders, as well as information about advanced satellite technology the United States uses to spy. They also include intelligence on both allies and adversaries, including Iran and North Korea, as well as Britain, Canada, South Korea and Israel.
What happens now? The leak has far-reaching implications for the United States and its allies. In addition to the Justice Department investigation, officials in several countries said they were assessing the damage from the leaks.
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Two Ukrainian officials confirmed that Prigozhin has spoken several times to the Ukrainian intelligence directorate, known as HUR. One official said that Prigozhin extended the offer regarding Bakhmut more than once, but that Kyiv rejected it because officials don’t trust Prigozhin and thought his proposals could have been disingenuous.
A U.S. official also cautioned that there are similar doubts in Washington about Prigozhin’s intentions. The Ukrainian and U.S. officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive information.
In an interview with The Washington Post this month, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would not confirm the contacts with Prigozhin. “This is a matter of [military] intelligence,” he said. The Ukrainian leader also objected to airing classified information publicly and said he believed that the leaks had benefited Russia.
Zelensky interview transcript: ‘Ukraine must win’
But there is no debating Prigozhin’s bitter frustration with the grinding fight in Bakhmut. He has complained, publicly and privately, that the Russian Defense Ministry has not given his fighters the ammunition and other resources they need to succeed. Bakhmut, in eastern Ukraine, has seen some of the bloodiest fighting of the war. Over the past few months, in a grinding back and forth measured by city blocks, Ukrainian and Russian forces have taken steep casualties.

Prigozhin, who promised to take control of the city by May 9, in time for Russia’s Victory Day celebrations, has recently threatened publicly to pull his forces out of the fight.
Other leaked documents reveal Russian Defense Ministry officials privately wondering how to respond to Prigozhin’s criticism of the military’s performance and his demands for more resources, which they apparently conceded were not illegitimate grievances. The documents also speak to a power struggle between Prigozhin and top officials, including Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
Against that tense backdrop, Prigohzin has carried on a secret relationship with Ukrainian intelligence that, in addition to phone calls, includes in-person meetings with HUR officers in an unspecified country in Africa, one document states. Wagner forces provide security to several governments on the continent.

The leaked U.S. intelligence shows Prigozhin bemoaning the heavy toll that fighting has taken on his own forces and urging Ukraine to strike harder against Russian troops.
Wagner boss threatens to pull out of Bakhmut, slams Russian military
According to one document, Prigozhin told a Ukrainian intelligence officer that the Russian military was struggling with ammunition supplies. He advised Ukrainian forces to push forward with an assault on the border of Crimea, which Russia has illegally annexed, while Russian troop morale was low. The report also referred to other intelligence noting that Prigozhin was aware of plummeting morale among Wagner forces and that some of his fighters had balked at orders to deploy in the Bakhmut area under heavy fire, for fear of suffering more casualties.
The Kremlin did not respond to a request for comment about Prigozhin’s communications with Ukraine.

In wartime, it is not unusual for opposing parties to maintain some form of communication. And the documents don’t reveal Prigozhin’s intention in talking to his erstwhile foes in Ukraine. In an interview, a Ukrainian official characterized the contacts in the spirit of “keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.”

The documents also suggest that Kyiv suspects, or may know, that the Kremlin is aware of Prigozhin’s communications with Ukrainian intelligence, if not his secret negotiations over Bakhmut.
One document, based on “sigint” — or intercepted communications — states that Ukraine’s military intelligence chief, Kyrylo Budanov, “expected the Russians to use details of Prigozhin’s secret talks with the HUR and his meetings with their officers in Africa to make him appear to be a Ukrainian agent.” It doesn’t specify whether Budanov suspects Moscow may already know that Prigozhin is talking to HUR officers.

When informed that U.S. intelligence documents revealed Prigozhin’s communications with Ukrainian intelligence, the mercenary commander appeared to make light of the situation. “Yes of course I can confirm this information, we have nothing to hide from the foreign special services. Budanov and I are still in Africa,” Prigohzin wrote on Sunday via his Telegram channel.
Prigohzin didn’t immediately respond to a question about his offer to disclose Russian troop positions in exchange for a Ukrainian pullback in Bakhmut.
Mary Ilyushina in Riga, Latvia, contributed to this report.

The Discord Leaks​

In exclusive interviews with a member of the Discord group where U.S. intelligence documents were shared, The Washington Post learned details of the alleged leaker, “OG.” The Post also obtained a number of previously unreported documents from a trove of images of classified files posted on a private server on the chat app Discord.
How the leak happened: The Washington Post reported that the individual who leaked the information shared documents with a small circle of online friends on the Discord chat platform. This is a timeline of how the documents leaked.
The suspected document leaker: Jack Teixeira, a young member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard, was charged in the investigation into leaks of hundreds of pages of classified military intelligence. Teixeira told members of the online group that he worked as a technology support staffer at a base on Cape Cod, one member of the Discord server told The Post. Here’s what we learned about the alleged document leaker.
What we learned from the leaked documents: The massive document leak has exposed a range of U.S. government secrets, including spying on allies, the grim prospects for Ukraine’s war with Russia and the precariousness of Taiwan’s air defenses. It also has ignited diplomatic fires for the White House. Here’s what we’ve learned from the documents.
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A non-partisan research post - London
Putin suffers ANOTHER huge loss as two of Russia's top commanders are killed by Ukrainian troops battling to take control of Bakhmut
  • Two of Russia's top commanders were killed amid bitter fighting in Ukraine
A non-partisan research post - London
Belarus dictator Alexander Lukashenko misses major state celebration sparking more rumours over his health amid claims tyrant 'faces paralysis without back surgery in the West'
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A non-partisan research post - London
Revision recap - reported date: February 20, 2023
Revealed: Leaked document shows how Russia plans to take over Belarus
The document, written for Putin’s Presidential Administration, envisages the total incorporation of Belarus into a “Union State” with Russia by 2030.
  • While the analysis may or may not be considered sound there appears to be no definitive information regarding the source of the leak document
  • or to whom or which media or agency this apparent document was leaked to.
  • - nor does there appear to be any physical proof copy of this leaked document.
  • If it this information does exist I have not been unable to located it within the allocated time limit.
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A non-partisan research post - London
Disclaimer: While accommodating all religions and cultures I belong to none.

As with the Russia - Ukraine conflict - other instances of violation of international law
Source: Wikipedia : the occupation of the,validity and pose a serious
West bank Set.jpg

In 2021, Israel imported $1.88B in Refined Petroleum, mainly from India ($582M), Greece ($255M), United States ($184M), Russia ($134M), and Singapore ($119M). - Petroleum, mainly,, and Singapore ($119M).
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Ukrainian War of Aggression Against Russia?

Radiation levels in Khmelnitsky rise following NATO ammo depot explosion

A non-partisan research post - London
Who will kill Yevgeny Prigozhin first? The Wagner Group's hotdog seller-turned-billionaire leader is facing enemies on all sides after waging war on Ukraine AND Putin
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