Ukraine invasion

Obviously you have no idea about the typical numbers in petitions and what's needed to create a political topic.
Your dubious math is completely off topic and senseless.

To create a petition is a constitutional right for every German citizen.
If you reach 50,000 signatures, the Petitions Committee of the Bundestag must deal with the petition individually.
The Petitions Committee must answer.

Here we are now - 3 hours later:
View attachment 325703
Democracy is sometimes more than 50% of anything. 🙂
A non-partisan research post - London

Before your reply was visible, after reconsideration, I withdrew remark - Sounds like opportunistic propaganda.
The 0.3% highlight stands.
BTW 500,000 petitions signatures = 0.59% of German population.

In the UK, parliamentary petition triggers as per image.
Pet UK Gov.png

My understanding is Germany would have similar recourse to parliamentary address.

In the UK this parliamentary recourse appears to be merely a pressure cooker valve release mechanism - accomplishing nothing; or at most, a nod that the the pressure value has gone off while the stew boils on - obliviously - to final cook.

Objectively – it would appear that the ship has already sailed and too far into shipment for any meetings of harbor masters to have any effect of recall or influence

Regarding influence and fate of future shipments - 6% is not an encouraging statistic. The tone of desperation is all too apparent.

However, history is unpredictable and a German revolution may be in the making. Time will tell.

Objectively – the reference % German population might find greater success lobbing the US Republican Party.

Objectively – if Trump rides the elephant again the accolades associated with the Nobel Peace Price may be too hard to resists. Such honor will also even long standing odds with arc nemesis Obama. 🙂
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A non-partisan research post - London

Reuters: 1 minute read July 15, 2022 9:10 AM GMT

70% of Germans back Ukraine despite high energy prices, survey shows

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The whistleblower has readily spoken up on many things, except on Putin’s war.
Because it does not fit with his narrative of US bad.
US could be bad and could be behind Nord Stream sabotage.
What is worse? Sabotaging a gas pipeline or invading a country?
This is the point, if US is bad Russia is much worse.
Sabotaging a gas pipeline or invading a country?
There's no connection there but the BS the US of A and brainwashing MSM is constructing.
Desctrution of foreign property and critical infrastructure can be a reason to start a war if it is not paid and replaced.

I really wonder how some people think and how they should think if they have to pay for foreign damage.
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This is very interesting, precious to understand the internal competition between Wagner and regular army.

Indeed it is.

The evidence suggests that "Putin's chef" will / has outlived his usefulness and a sledgehammer to the head will follow.
Probably on the orders of Putin. Then again, Prygoshyn is surrounded by individuals / groups who would be only too willing to see him off.
"Putin's chef" will / has outlived his usefulness and a sledgehammer to the head will follow.
Or maybe he will be the next MoD ?
They point is that you don't win a war with losers (Shoigu and Gerasimov).
But winners are dangerous for dictators...
This is Puntin's dilemma...

Wagner is small and collects small victories.
If it were bigger it would be a threat for Putin.
BTW you cannot run an entire army as a PMC.
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"Together, Ukraine and its partners are doing everything to ensure that the terrorist state loses. And to make it happen faster," said Zelensky.

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