Ukraine invasion

Can you tell us what demands you made to those in power and who you made these demands to?
When the time comes, the demands I'll make are the same ones I've been making here - I'm sure you don't need reminding what they are! As with Covid, I'll write to my own MP, other MPs who have demonstrated they have a spine and moral compass, e.g. Andrew Bridgen MP (who I wrote this morning as it happens on the subject of vaccine harms), along with appropriate cabinet ministers. If there's anyone else you think needs adding to the list, or any other action that you recommend I take, I'm all ears.
We all know this war isn't about sovereignty and democracy, it's about weakening Russia, maintaining U.S. hegemony and making shed loads of wonga for the likes of Blackrock who have done a deal with Zelensky to re-build Ukraine. But don’t think for a minute that there’s any conspiracy to be found in an American tax payer funded war benefitting a multi-trillion dollar investment company – because you know what that would make you . . .

Btl comment from '25depleteduranium' sums the whole thing up pretty well, IMO:
"I think that what pisses me off the most with all of this is the realisation that my friends, my brothers, that died in Iraq did so on the basis of a lie, and I'm honestly beginning to question whether or not the last 21+ years of service I've rendered, my entire adult life, has been just too enrich a group of elitist pieces of human garbage that look at people like me as little more than pawns on a chess board and the average working class as little more than crops in a field to be harvested when the time is right."
When the time comes, the demands I'll make are the same ones I've been making here - I'm sure you don't need reminding what they are! As with Covid, I'll write to my own MP, other MPs who have demonstrated they have a spine and moral compass, e.g. Andrew Bridgen MP (who I wrote this morning as it happens on the subject of vaccine harms), along with appropriate cabinet ministers. If there's anyone else you think needs adding to the list, or any other action that you recommend I take, I'm all ears.
Local MP and cabinet members ... impressive
sniff, sniff
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Local MP and cabinet members ... impressive
sniff, sniff
Rather than circling back to your own less than impressive posts Phylo, (very narcissistic, btw), how about coming up with a constructive suggestion. Any chance you could do that?
Sniff, sniff

Although Germany is dragging it's feet again, this time it's heavy weapons, like tanks.
Freedom and democracy come at a price. Germany of all countries should know this!
Local MP and cabinet members ... impressive
sniff, sniff
Rather than circling back to your own less than impressive posts Phylo, (very narcissistic, btw), how about coming up with a constructive suggestion. Any chance you could do that?
Sniff, sniff

Rather than circling back to your own less than impressive posts Phylo, (very narcissistic, btw),

It would be unwise to change the medicine as applied to conceptions born of statements considered delusional.
  • While it is considered there is much plausibility and interesting perspectives with your arguments within the scope of their own domain there is also observation of megalomaniac overtones.
  • The observation from statements is you consider yourself of extraordinary intelligence and importance (more delusion) 'doing in the figure of a lamb the feats of a lion' * while others are as dumb as donkeys 'doing in the figure of a mouse the feats of a dodo.' ** >> See your past posts for numerous examples. * William Shakespeare. ** not William Shakespeare.
  • There is observation of statements and preoccupations with delusional objective feasibility.
how about coming up with a constructive suggestion. Any chance you could do that?

Here then, again, is constructive suggestion.
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So you encourage others to do something you are unwilling to do for now (i.e., rules for thee but not for me)?🙄
Wrong R_L.
I'm encouraging you to demand an end to the death and destruction and for the war to stop. Self evidently, if you're not prepared to do something as fundamental and as simple as that - then you're not going to take action beyond this forum are you? So, it's a case of first things first: sort out the basic principles and facts of the matter (peace, not war), and then decide on the appropriate action to take.

Regarding my own actions, if I'd fired off e-mails to MPs say, six months ago, and continued on a regular basis, they wouldn't get read now - let alone replied to. Go too early on an issue like this when it's not high enough on the scale of importance to the MP and your e-mail (or whatever) is ignored. Leave it too late then, well, it's too late! One has to judge the moment and keep one's powder dry until it's time to strike in the most advantageous way. Of course, if you think you know better and would like to draw up a calendar of action for me, detailing what to do and when - I'm all ears. Rest assured, I'm more than willing to take action, just as I've done in the past with issues surrounding the pandemic.
Vlad and Vlod -- either one could end the war quickly.
You've missed out the most important person; the one who instigated all of this, is funding it, perpetuating it and profiting the most from it - your own President.
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We all know this war isn't about sovereignty and democracy, it's about weakening Russia, maintaining U.S. hegemony and making shed loads of wonga for the likes of Blackrock who have done a deal with Zelensky to re-build Ukraine. But don’t think for a minute that there’s any conspiracy to be found in an American tax payer funded war benefitting a multi-trillion dollar investment company – because you know what that would make you . . .

Btl comment from '25depleteduranium' sums the whole thing up pretty well, IMO:
"I think that what pisses me off the most with all of this is the realisation that my friends, my brothers, that died in Iraq did so on the basis of a lie, and I'm honestly beginning to question whether or not the last 21+ years of service I've rendered, my entire adult life, has been just too enrich a group of elitist pieces of human garbage that look at people like me as little more than pawns on a chess board and the average working class as little more than crops in a field to be harvested when the time is right."

  1. Would it not be more profitable to lobby RB with 6.16M ready listening ears and other YT celebs with millions of listening ears.
  2. Imagine 10 or so YT celebs concertedly in unison broadcasting you message of demand.
  3. Why, that could easily be, at least, 20 million ready listening ears commanded to fire salvo after salvo of armor piercing correspondence to the respective master of puppets.
  4. Lets be realistic - this thread is great for gathering and exchanging information - but beyond that, lets be realistic - its dead end, cul-de-sac as far as your objective is concerned. (That, besides T2W appears to be holding by a thread - not much action here)
  5. My twitter posts showed 30+/- hits posting on the thread. How many hidden lurkers ? Less than 100 ? ... and half not ready listen ears.
  6. Considering you objectives - preaching the good message on this thread - I'm sorry to say - is delusional.
  7. And quiet frankly - let say you managed to achieve a ready flotilla of 20 million ready listening ears to fire salvo after salvo of armor piercing correspondence to the respective master of puppets. Lets say in reality that materialized - would it impact the war in any meaningful way ?
  8. Are you sure you are not in-love with the debate and this is comfy corner to exercise discourse and argument on your pet subject.
  9. Hey, there is nothing wrong with that - it great entertainment.
  10. I'm just not buying the baloney story.
  11. It has as much credibility as assuming £100 can be traded up to £1million. Not going to happen.
Accommodate typos - normal distraction.
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This thread is a debate, I have no ambition to influence a relevant amount of audience.
I present my opinion and share some info I consider significant.
I hope to learn something new from everyone, the ones who shere my point of view and also the ones with a different or opposite position.
. . . I'm just not buying the baloney story. . . It has as much credibility as assuming £100 can be traded up to £1million.
I surrender to your superior wisdom, intelligence and logic. All the 'stories' I've ever posted on T2W in the 20 years I've been a member have been complete baloney and have zero credibility - just like me. You're the one who's finally rumbled me - take a bow.

On that note, I'm going to follow in the footsteps of Atilla and new_trader and leave those of you who want the death and destruction to continue - including going nuclear - to marinate in your own propaganda and remain forever trapped in your own echo chamber. If any of you want to address the many fundamental questions that I and others have posed that remain unanswered - and are able to do so in a respectful and courteous way - feel free to PM me.

I shall return to collect my winnings from the CVs when the time comes - until then, farewell.

Edit: In light of CV's post (below), I'm leaving this thread only - I'm not leaving the forum! Continually banging ones head against a brick wall isn't healthy, especially when the 'brick wall' comprises people who are seemingly quite happy to countenance nuclear war in pursuit of a completely unobtainable goal (driving Russian forces out of Ukraine and Putin out of the Kremlin) that's based on a transparent lie (sovereignty, democracy and freedom).
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I'm going to follow in the footsteps of Atilla
Do you think he left because of this thread? It seems pretty unlikely...
A legendary member leaving a trading forum because of a single off-topic discussion... 🤔
About Brexit and climate change we were on the same side.
I surrender to your superior wisdom, intelligence and logic. All the 'stories' I've ever posted on T2W in the 20 years I've been a member have been complete baloney and have zero credibility - just like me. You're the one who's finally rumbled me - take a bow.

On that note, I'm going to follow in the footsteps of Atilla and new_trader and leave those of you who want the death and destruction to continue - including going nuclear - to marinate in your own propaganda and remain forever trapped in your own echo chamber. If any of you want to address the many fundamental questions that I and others have posed that remain unanswered - and are able to do so in a respectful and courteous way - feel free to PM me.

I shall return to collect my winnings from the CVs when the time comes - until then, farewell.

Edit: In light of CV's post (below), I'm leaving this thread only - I'm not leaving the forum! Continually banging ones head against a brick wall isn't healthy, especially when the 'brick wall' comprises people who are seemingly quite happy to countenance nuclear war in pursuit of a completely unobtainable goal (driving Russian forces out of Ukraine and Putin out of the Kremlin) that's based on a transparent lie (sovereignty, democracy and freedom).
We will take that as a win then.

All the points you have posted are conspiracy theory based used as some kind of fantasy justification for Putins invasion of Ukraine.

So forget all the phony talking points and deal with the basic substance.

Thou shalt not invade thy neigbour and bring death and destruction upon them.
US is guilty of many things but not responsible of everything bad happens in the world.
Understanding what is going on has priority over being anti US.