UK Stocks charting package.


Hi , I'm after a UK Stocks data charting package. Nothing fancy , End Of Day will work for me. Just need to backtest 5 years or so.
Any sensible ideas, ?
Hi , I'm after a UK Stocks data charting package. Nothing fancy , End Of Day will work for me. Just need to backtest 5 years or so.
Any sensible ideas, ?
Hey Tytus, I use Sharescope for all of my data. unfortunately i'm not aware of an API to their data, so its a manual job for me to download, and then i upload into amibroker or quantshare for my backtesting
alternatively and more relavent, both ami and quantshare have APIs to yahoo so if its just UK stocks, you'd be fine. my data requirements yahoo cant provide alas.
then there's trading view..they have a scripting language to do simple backtesting.

hope that helps
Hey Tytus, I use Sharescope for all of my data. unfortunately i'm not aware of an API to their data, so its a manual job for me to download, and then i upload into amibroker or quantshare for my backtesting
alternatively and more relavent, both ami and quantshare have APIs to yahoo so if its just UK stocks, you'd be fine. my data requirements yahoo cant provide alas.
then there's trading view..they have a scripting language to do simple backtesting.

hope that helps
one more alternative, i could download the data for you...
as long as its not the entire index, but it shouldn't be an issue
Thanks 1nvest. I'll look into it. Couldn't agree more about Yahoo whose data provision is bollox at the best of times.🙂🙂