UK share ideas for short to medium term growth


I know this is a very general question but please share your ideas on any UK shares you feel will show good value growth in the short to medium term........

I am relatively new to the share game and I aint been having much luck, so any pointers from those more experienced would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
bencolling said:
I know this is a very general question but please share your ideas on any UK shares you feel will show good value growth in the short to medium term........

I am relatively new to the share game and I aint been having much luck, so any pointers from those more experienced would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Have you looked at the thread 'UK shares ideas'


Looking at that thread it seems more concerned with very short term, intra-day trades. Whereas I'm looking for something I can put my money in and leave it there for a few months to a year, during which time it will hopefully have gone up!!! + the lingo in that thread is a bit advanced
bencolling said:
Looking at that thread it seems more concerned with very short term, intra-day trades. Whereas I'm looking for something I can put my money in and leave it there for a few months to a year, during which time it will hopefully have gone up!!! + the lingo in that thread is a bit advanced

You appear to be looking for advice on which shares to buy, how do you know the advice will be any good.

Suggest you look at the thread 'First Steps' it will help you gain an understanding of share price movement and assist you in determining your own share selection. You could then identify a share that you think is a good investment, post your thoughts and ask for confirmation or otherwise on your analysis.

If you do not want to do the analysis you may as well go to any site where share tips are given and make a selection but until you have at least a basic understanding of price movement you are in the lap of the gods.


One thing to add - this site focuses more on TRADING rather then INVESTING - clear difference - as I was a pure INVESTOR once i.e. looked more at fundamentals (company outlook , p/e etc) however, as I have sinced moved a bulk of my activity to TRADING (typically swing < 1 month at the moment with basic TA).

Having said all this, there is no reason why you cant a) find a stock you think has good fundamentals and then use some Trading skills to b) determine entry position...

Hope this helps / makes some sense!

Just to add my two pence, this is almost the same strategy that I try to follow.

Key difference is that poor fundamentals can also be used as confirmation of TA which suggests opening short positions.

Problem Ive now realised is, fundamental analysis can only be used to establish long term investment decisions (6 month+). TA can be used both immediate & long term.. and, as the market should discount all fundamental information, theres an argument that says TA already includes the fundamental analysis (whereas the reverse cannot be the case).

Still, agree with the sentiment: find your 'value growth' from the fundamental data and choose the entry / stop loss points from the TA.

.. and dont invest more than you can afford to lose. If your risk adverse, buy low cost index Tracker funds over a long term peiod. Dont take the risk of accepting advice from someone youve never met on something you dont fully understand. Its a lesson Ive learnt the heard way 😱

And say hello to the Ali G when you see him next 😉
If I could make a quick observation, the choice of sector is probably the best place to start before focussing on individual shares. As such, I would suggest having a look at some of the smaller oil companies, although their charts might be looking a little toppy in the immediate short term.

Best of luck,
