Britain's gas crisis could lead to higher energy bills if we have to import more from the EU to keep country running, expert says
With Centrica and National Gas at odds over the UK's gas stocks, the Government may be forced to turn to the EU to ensure supply, in a move which could spell disaster for consumers.
This is laughable.
Before the Ukraine crises and blowing up of the Norsk gas pipeline, EU had no shortage of energy or gas. Moreover, whilst prices went up 75% + in the UK they only went up 15% in Europe. The problem is the US liquid gas imports way too high and have effectively fecked up EU gas supply and energy prices.
US is fecking up the EU in trying to to slow down Russia in its interests to also feck up the ME where Russia has stopped the US proceeding with US Axis of Evil plans to destabilise Iraq, Syria and Iran to repartition and commandeer oil and gas resources, pipelines and trade routes from the Indian Ocean. Some people will say the US has already well and trully messed up Iraq, Syria and continues to work on bringing Iran down.
Some people will understand and get this whilst others will remain true to MSM and the BBC garbage news that continue to peddle the same old contrived news. Europe slowly waking up to American sh!t show played on them imho.
One last point, has anyone noticed how Reeves has gone to China and not the US of A to ask for help with UK debt.
US so hell bent on sending billions of $ to Israel and Ukraine fighting daft wars that it is unable to help one of its most trusted and closest partners. Instead the cowboys are looking at implementing tariffs. What a joke.
What would be poetic justice if they do implement tariffs is for the EU and UK to stop buying from the US and simply turn back to peace with Russia and trade with growing trade in Asia.
We are trully a poodle to US interests imho.