UK Politics

Tommy Robinson did so badly in the European elections he lost his £5,000 deposit


Tell us what went wrong dude?

8th place! Oh dear. 😱

To me the Northwest results broadly reflect everywhere else in the country, the majority voted Brexit. TR still came top of the independents, I think he got around 55-65K votes, obviously he was riding high on his popularity but it was always going to be difficult to get the numbers needed when he represents a niche population that don't normally get off their arses to vote, from that view he did well.

If you also factor in that he was removed from all social media beforehand, constant MSM smears for the last 10 years, the establishment against him including state promoted violence by Muslims, milkshakes etc, court cases designed to disrupt the campaign, they tried to stop him on the campaign trail in many places also.

No other campaigner has been treated the same way, so if you were to take out those mitigating factors, put it into the context of people mostly voting for the Brexit party and somehow extrapolate that into votes then I would hazard a guess that he would have done far better.

His message was clear, he's true to his convictions, he has the presence, the charisma and energy to campaign, popular support but and the weight of the MSM and establishment world against him, I don't really see where it went wrong. Even Thornbury gave him a special mention on the BBC election special, that's how bothered they are by him.

Where do you think it went wrong?

Where do you think it went wrong?

Talking to numpties on the streets and bigging himself in comparison to them would not have been my suggestion.

In a pond he may think his the big fish but in the big wide oceans he is just another little fish. Needs to get out and swim more.

Some part of me was hoping he'd do better.

Talking to numpties on the streets and bigging himself in comparison to them would not have been my suggestion.

Appealing to your voting audience is what they all do isn't it? Target the areas you believe you have the most support to maximise efficiency and cost for number of votes? I mean he would hardly be campaigning in Islington would he.

In a pond he may think his the big fish but in the big wide oceans he is just another little fish. Needs to get out and swim more.

They probably said that about other politically persecuted campaigners that ended up gaining power somewhere, Mandella springs to mind, depends which regime is in power at the time and which succeeds it.

Some part of me was hoping he'd do better.

Whilst he didn't gain a seat and even lost his deposit, his campaign has been very insightful. For a grassroots message to hit home with voters that normally don't bother to even take an interest in politics it has been a success. The campaign has managed to achieve the politicisation of tens of thousands of voters where no other party has managed before. It has highlighted just how deeply integrated are the police with left wing politics and Islamic violence and has highlighted the attitudes and hypocracy of the establishment (inc the Brexit Party) as a result of milkshake attacks.

The violent Muslim attacks are disturbing (not the milkshakes), one to watch for the future for sure, not that you will see anything in MSM of course, but then you don't go to MSM to find out what the real news is.
Here's the results. Note the votes per candidate puts him 3rd on a per candidate basis. But there's no need to spin it into a victory when it clearly isn't, or maybe remainers could spin it into a victory? 😆 😆

on another note...

can i just announce here that i am not going for the Tory leadership role...........i cant be arsed to queue




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For anyone that missed the police escorting the mob.

What, the MSM didn't report on it accurately? Well, send them some harsh words and make sure those armchair journalists get out and do their job properly next time.

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The British Army has been undermined by 'rightthink', if you're a patriot and want to join up and defend your country, well, don't bother joining the British Army anymore. I should think that joe squaddie is thoroughly sick and tired of the additional rightthink training that they are receiving, I know an Army must maintain pace with society, but to now be considered a risk for being patriotic is idiotic. It demonstrates how much needs to change once we have got rid of the idiots running the UK.

I see Donald is putting in a good word for his lookalike Boris to be a good PM.
Hey there Mr. Mueller he is meddling in UK politics and trying to foist half American Boris onto us.
That should lose Boris some votes.
No word from the Kremlin who Putin's favourite is yet.
Well here is the list of Tory candidates.

In my opinion none would win a General Election.
I will try and find the odds bookies are offering.

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Election musings: Brexit party wins GE without a majority, no other party will go into coalition, where next?
I see Donald is putting in a good word for his lookalike Boris to be a good PM.
Hey there Mr. Mueller he is meddling in UK politics and trying to foist half American Boris onto us.
That should lose Boris some votes.
No word from the Kremlin who Putin's favourite is yet.

It looks worse than that, looks like the state are to attempt to keep the frothing left from getting near Trump in London, lots of overtime for those few coppers again.
Election musings: Brexit party wins GE without a majority, no other party will go into coalition, where next?

If the Peterborough election goes well for Farage and the Conservatives are annihilated, it will be interesting to see if any Conservative MPs attempt to jump ship. It will be even more interesting to see if any of them are allowed on board – I suspect only the hardest of the hard ERG would be welcome.
As irrelevant as the Conservative leadership election and their useless has-been party now is, this piece of journalism puts Michael Gove in his place: what an utter waste of time that man is!

As irrelevant as the Conservative leadership election and their useless has-been party now is, this piece of journalism puts Michael Gove in his place: what an utter waste of time that man is!

Only candidates that the Tories should be considering should be one's that haven't voted for TM's deal. Could be a moot point anyway, if we don't have Brexit by Halloween then the Tories & Labour will be tricked and toasted at the next GE.
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Dithering about by UK politicians is wasting valuable time.
The spat between the US and China is a gift from the Gods.
While they pull each other's hair it is a great opportunity to negotiate favourable trade deals.
The UK must bite the bullet and leave entirely to get a free hand abroad.
The half in and half out fudge of a solution is no good.
Good thing about Trumps visit is that it exposes all the members of the far left that we don’t want anywhere near power.

I’m sure that the Libdems part in the protests is being underreported also which is a shame as it might also expose how loony they are (or are not) compared to Labour.

Hundreds of thousands of anti-Trump protesters gather in London

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