I don't know if you follow any of the social media mob (facebook, twitter, google et al). There has been an ongoing purge of online voices for sometime now, starting with the conservative voices, spurred on by the MSM (the left were all cheering), InfoWars being the biggest removal recently, removed from all platforms except the one's that governments haven't been able to influence, bitchute left alone for example. Now they are gunning for the left wing voices (who are they cheering now?).
The removal is deliberately manufactured by UK and EU gov's in concert with MSM, it's not clear if Trump is involved in the online purge, I can't see him not being involved. It has been manufactured to try and stir-up a mass public protest against the big tech social media companies involved in the hopes that enough public protest will provide the excuse governments need to introduce legislation to control what the social platforms are doing.
I suspect that govts thought that the easy targets of the conservative voices and the unfunded alt news sites would cause an uproar but I don't think that it is working, the conservative voices are savvy to what is happening and have retained their calm and just carried on with alternative platforms not providing the excuse to introduce legislation.
So now they have started to target the dumb lefties, who were previously cheering the purge, but I reckon they are dumb enough not to see the authorities ruse and will provide the outrage needed and reason for govts to introduce legislation.
If legislation is introduced, then everyone will lose out until alternative platforms can be developed to avoid the legislation (think dark web), it's the biggest threat to free speech going. The MSM is complicit because, obviously, they (govt that controls the MSM) want to control the narrative, it will only be the MSM remaining with no other outlet to get alternative voices/alt news out.
George Orwell's writing about the manipulation of the media for power and control in his book 1984 resonates so well today and yet it was written nearly 70 years ago 😱