Uk Point and Figure Charts


Hi all,

I'm a complete newbie and currently looking into the possibility of using point and figure charts to predict trends. I wondered if anyone new of any websites or software where I could get P&F charts for UK stocks. I have found to be very useful for US stocks but I want to try some spreadbetting in UK shares.

Any help would be much appreciated, this is my first post and I'm loving the website!


ADVFN used to have free P&F, but their quality was a bit dodgy - haven't looked for a while and I'm not aware of any other free ones. If I were you I would do as much back-testing as possible using the Stockcharts resource (their P&F charts are very good) given that if your method works with US stocks there's no reason why it shouldn't be transferable, and if you're going to go with it, get the Updata Technical Analyst package. There are relatively few 'costs' associated with setting up as a trader, and at the end of the day, if you have to pay a few hundred quid to get the information that allows you to trade properly, then it's just a cost of doing business - don't begrudge it or skimp!
EOD P & F for UK stocks can be had at
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hi modeca -

sharescope software gives reasonable P&F. software not free but generally v good and includes nightly newsfeed donwnloads and lots of chart options.
modeca said:
Hi all,

I'm a complete newbie and currently looking into the possibility of using point and figure charts to predict trends. I wondered if anyone new of any websites or software where I could get P&F charts for UK stocks. I have found to be very useful for US stocks but I want to try some spreadbetting in UK shares.

Any help would be much appreciated, this is my first post and I'm loving the website!



Set up a free acount with prorealtime - they do point and figure charts on EOD data for FTSE 100 stocks.

Thanks guys for the suggestions. I've just downloaded the ProRealtime software. It seems pretty
comprehensive. I'm just at the stage of testing to see if my P&F indicators mean anything in the real world. I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks for the suggestion to do some backtesting Jack O'Clubs - I'm not too sure how to go about this process - any pointers for the newbie on the subject? I'm looking at some ETFs which seem to be a good halfway house between individual stocks and indices, however some have only been set up for less than a year and its difficult to find much back data.

I'm thinking about a swing trading strategy at the moment - maybe spreadbetting and taking some profits after a few weeks or months. Any opinion as to whether this is a good idea or if it might be better to buy and hold? What would be a good strategy for setting exit points if the particular ETF has shown continuous growth since its inception? Does my thinking make sense? Any advice would be much appreciated. 🙄
modeca said:
Thanks for the suggestion to do some backtesting Jack O'Clubs - I'm not too sure how to go about this process - any pointers for the newbie on the subject? I'm looking at some ETFs which seem to be a good halfway house between individual stocks and indices, however some have only been set up for less than a year and its difficult to find much back data.
I don't mean anything too sophisticated - just decide what your strategy would be in advance and eye-ball the charts to see where your entries and exits would have been - would it have worked? Another cheapskate solution would be to download the Sharescope free trial. Unless it's changed, it comes with years of data, but is about six months out of date. You can then set up the P&F charts with the date set a few years ago, and roll forward to see how the particular strategies or patterns you would have traded would have done.
If you are thinking of using the Bullish Percent P&F charts for UK sectors, then be careful because many sectors don't have enough constituent members for the BP to work in any useful manner imho.
Point & Figure

Hi Modeca and other contributors,

I use Updata - being doing so for two years - beginning to make profit on position trading equities - it's very good for scanning FTSE 100 and picking stocks with good risk reward. I don't take every signal - suugest you read Jeremy du Plessis' "The Definitive Guide to Point & Figure". if really interested.

Thanks to those who suggested Prorealtime..I did not know about that and will enjoy trying it out

Good luck!


this may be a little late, but you might try the new R-package rpnf from here.

It is able to produce Point & Figure Charts (with downloaded data from yahoo or your own data). Additional it identifies sophisticated Buy and Signals like Double/Triple Top/Bottom, Bullish/Bearish Signal for you. Furthermore it can be used to create Relative Strength Charts as well as Bullish Percent Charts.


A PNG-Plot can be seen here.

A text plot looks like:
Point & Figure Plot DAX30 (log) 
 7954.90|                      X
 7648.94|                      X
 7354.75|    X X               X
 7071.88|    XOXO            X X
 6799.88|    XOXO            XOX
 6538.35|    XOXO            XOX
 6286.87|X X XO O          X XOX
 6045.07|XOXOX  OX X       XOXOX
 5812.57|XOXOX  OXOXOX     XOXO 
 5589.01| O O   OXOXOXOX X XOX  
 5374.05|       O O OXOXOXOXOX  
 5167.35|           O OXOXOXO   
 4968.61|             OXO O     
 4777.51|             O         