UK Paper Trading Platform?


Hi Im Char1ie, new to trading, started studying the markets this year.

Ive done a bit on Money management etc and want to now test my trading plan and strategies.

Im looking for a trading platform that will let me 'paper trade' UK stocks and indexes.

I downloaded Think or Swim (TOS) which is good but is totally US focused 😡

Any1 got any suggestions on a solid paper trading platform for the UK?
You could try a pen, I hear they're pretty good.

:clap: Well done, we have found the new class joker:smart:

Seriously though, have been using a pen and PAPER (whooooo) up until this point, but that has only been useful in position trading, it is impossible to day trade using this strategy. I need 5, 15, 30 min & hourly data/ charts.

Im looking to day trade and so to test my strategies thoroughly, I need real time paper trading software (20 mins delay).

I checked out Interactive brokers who have what I want (uk markets, paper trading) but you need to not only sign up with them, you've got to deposit money first, before gaining access to the paper trading software.

Any1 know any online brokers who offer UK stocks, FTSE 100, FTSE 250 etc and who offer free paper trading software?

Bullbearings is for swing, position traders, but thanks Cloud321 it looks like a fun game.

Hawktrader and cr6196 I'll look into those spread betting brokers