Less than 24 hours to go...
Anyone else up for the comp?
Think Election 15 and celebrating on a sunny Friday afternoon with a beer in hand :drunk:
Here is the comp blurb from Pat Riley... 👍
We all have a shot at predicting the number of seats each of the parties get. To make things manageable I propose we only go for the top (likely) parties to poll the majority of the votes. So Conservative, Labour, Lib-Dem, UKIP, SNP. So Plaid Cymru, Greens etc are not included. We also take a shot at predicting voting turnout for the UK as a whole.
Everyone can make as many predictions as they like, but only the last one prior to the cut-off of mid-night BST May 6th will count. So ya can change yer mind as much as you like before the day itself.
Scoring will be the sum of the differences between your predicted number of seats and actual number of seats for those five parties. If you get it spot on for all five your cumulative score will be zero. If your prediction is plus or minus the actual is will count as a negative score for the difference between the two. The person with the least negative score will be declared the winner. In the event of a draw, the person who gets closest to percentage turnout for the UK as a whole will be the winner. If it’s still a draw it’s shin-kicking at dawn.
Scoring - e.g. predict 300 actual 280 you score -20 or predict 300 actual 320 you score -20 etc.
I’ll offer to do the hard yards at mid-night BST May 6th and compile the table for those who have entered.
I’ll not be voting in the real thing for all sorts a reasons, but if I were, I’d be voting green (lowercase) and I suggest you all do the same and vote for your favourite colour ‘cos that’s got to make about as much sense as trying to figure which parties manifesto has any chance of any of it seeing the light of day let alone passing into legislation.