Saying "told ya" doesnt really mean jack when you wernt even trading it, aka having money were your mouth is.
Didn't you leave about a month ago in a strop? Why did you come back, just to post nonsense like this? Please go away again.
Saying "told ya" doesnt really mean jack when you wernt even trading it, aka having money were your mouth is.
Didn't you leave about a month ago in a strop? Why did you come back, just to post nonsense like this? Please go away again.
Saying "told ya" doesnt really mean jack when you wernt even trading it, aka having money were your mouth is.
as for my spelling and grammar, everyone knows attacking someones spelling is the last refuge of a man who has lost an argument.
1.30pm. if you cant get the time right, what hope is there..
He needs people to show off to & bully.
Basically - he's a bit of a w@nker.
Yes, you are quite right.
I should be useful posts, like yourself.
Quite right, too - glad to see you can rise above such nonsense...
People in glass houses...
LMAO @ "Whisper number" - shhhhhhhh - don't tell anyone.
It's just more of the same - the releases, the estimates, the unofficial estimates, the whispers, the nudges, the winks and the tickles.
The whisper number makes certain people think they are 'on-side' and have info not available to the lumpeninvestoriat. In reality, it's all part of the same game - the fully managed pessimism-optimism cycle.
It keeps people trading doesn't it?
Oh I see.
😆 never heard of that website before, just talking about standard rumours... and fwiw the rumours on these numbers that I hear tend to be about right more than you would expect by chance... they certainly do better than analyst predictions 🙂
Quite surprised that such a seasoned pro. as yerself is getting all excited re NFP...thought you'd find it a pain tbh.